
Showing posts from April, 2012

4 months

4 reasons I love being a Grandma in honor of Jack’s 4 month birthday. 1. Pictures- I get to be that lady that says “oh oh oh do you want to see my grandson” I patiently wait for an answer and now I have an “accordion book” A Grandma’s dream- it folds up nice and neat and then WALA falls open to make people ohhhh and awwww til I say “I know they’re great huh!?” Must give a plug- Midwest LifeShots did them- yes they are WONderful! 2. I love my Jack time- I love his snuggles, his raspberries, his smile, his expressions (oh his expressions are endless). I love sitting in my recliner and dozing off while he naps in my arms. His cooing and jibber jabber memorizing me and well not a whole lot gets accomplished when Jack’s in the house. I’m ok with that. 3. I read to Jack. He likes his stories and loves pictures of baby faces and it’s all part of my masterplan to help him with his already advanced self 4. And last but not least I’m thinking that it’s ok that I haven’t...


Quite possibly… about 2:30am Rick heard giggling and party music- this thing was was in full swing, lights, music everything but the jumping baby. Today during lunch- it started just random giggles. Do you see the on/off position- that’s were it’s been and that’s where it stays. What happens if we move it to on you ask- well it just has more lights and music and parties a little more often. Never a dull moment I tell ya! BTW- Rick will fix the short that I’m sure it has SOON or mr. hop n pop may go back to the used toy store that it came from!

Remember Jonah?

I love my job. I have often said that I think those sweet kiddos teach me much more than I could ever teach them. I find myself sometimes thinking to myself "Do you hear what you are saying?" Today was yet another one of those days. Their was a child having a little to much fun with his buddy that he/she sits next too. It does happen. Shocking I know. Even more shocking is that I sometimes have to rearrange the seating to "help" them be better listeners. Well today after helping a friend I got "the look". Most the kids have turned four or are very close and well they getting less shy about letting Mrs. Eagen know when they are not so happy. I felt it was a good time to talk about what we learned from Jonah. Not sure why as we learned about Jonah last fall but I felt lead so I went with it. Amazing the recall they had- what fun it was to re-learn such a good lesson. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah didn't want to. Jonah decided to h...