
Showing posts from July, 2012

Teachers- Pay Attention!

Another great blog I enjoy reading is Chalk Talk (on side bar). Great teaching resources and there is a great giveaway posted. If you have Facebook and Pinterest it's just that easy. If you don't have Pinterest seriously what are you waiting for? Go HERE and check out the Hot Dots Jr Giveaway!

Who Doesn't Love a Giveaway?!

One of the fun blogs I read reviews products here and there for Blogher.Com . I normally don't enter giveaways but this one I couldn't resist. Sam loves Lego's. It's one of the few things that will hold his attention and he's really good at building and creating. In fact the other day he talked about his latest wish for Christmas and it's JULY! Anyway go over and visit Suz and her 4 cuties to hear what they thought of the new Lego Read and Play sets. There's a pretty sweet giveaway that you can enter (even though I'm sure I'll win!). I know these sets would go great in my classroom. Anytime you engage the kiddos in a story and make it more tangible for them they just want more! So here is the link... ready set GO: The Life of Suz


Jack loves his Uncle Sam and Uncle Eric. Uncle Eric and Uncle Sam love Jack. No question about it. Jack loves to play with them and the feeling is quite mutual. It has been amazing to watch.


Blogger is free and I am not a professional blogger-nuff said. I will be moving my typepad blog over as I want it all in one spot. In the meanwhile hang on as you wait in suspense to see new things to come...