
Showing posts from October, 2012


October has just flown by! I can't believe all the fun happenings and I can't believe I have been basically sick through most of it. Hence why I no blog. (well at least that works for an good excuse this month) Today is Halloween- if I have never voiced my opinion about Halloween before let me tell you this is one of those 'there is no point other than to make parents crazy days'. Valentines Day also falls under this category. I have sucked it up once again in the name of watching the boys carve pumpkins (even though Eric almost barfs every year cleaning it out- oh the joy) and dressing up. I have declared this to be the last year of Halloween in the Eagen house. Last year I bribed encouraged the boys to go out to dinner and go bowling instead. Next year I will be well armed with a plan. Nuff said. In October: Eric played some great basketball games! We loved his coach and Eric really got in there and gave it his all despite the fact he was the smallest on his ...