
Showing posts from May, 2013


The clouds tonight were fantastic. When I look at clouds I can’t help but imagine how soft and fluffy they are. I can almost picture myself bouncing off of them fearlessly. I said to Rick tonight that I imagine in heaven I will get to do that- I will have no fear like I do here on earth of hurting myself or my bladder giving out- (just keeping it real!) For me growing up not knowing Jesus- barely even knowing of Him, Heaven was really an unknown. I have a really vivid memory of when I was younger. I remember the house we lived in so I suppose I was around 9 and I knew my Grandma lived in heaven. She passed away when I was just 6 of cancer. Because I didn’t really understand death I didn’t get why she just couldn’t come back. Someone must of told me heaven was in the sky because when I yelled and I mean I. Yelled . up to heaven I begged Grandma to come back. I was home alone in my living room and  I distinctly remember telling her that if she really loved me she’d come bac...

My Summer Bucket List

  Every school year as we approach the end of the year I start these lines in my head…. “I can’t wait to get that caught up when I’m on break” “That would be a good summer project” “Over the summer I’ll get out and do ______ more” And as May comes to an end I get more and more thoughts and ideas disillusions about what I’m going to get accomplished. There is a small chance this year some of my hopes and dreams will come true. YES I am working – in fact I’m working more scheduled hours than my school year gig BUT neither boy is playing baseball- that leaves our evenings free AND I’ve taken the summer off from weekend teaching and that opens up some time on the weekends. That being said here it is: 1. Before returning to work on June 10th I WILL have a solid dinner schedule set for the summer. This frees up SO MUCH TIME  during the week and on the weekends when I make my grocery list. Speaking of grocery lists- Mr. Eagen is going to be spending a bit more time at the ...

Then and Now

  Jack on June 5th, 2012 just over 5 months Jack today almost a year later What is that commercial with the pigs that go weeee weeee weee all the way home?


  Every year we are asked to share a devotion with our co-workers. It is such a blessing to listen to others but I am always so nervous when it is my turn. This year just as in years past I just simply needed to yield and get out of the way. I am also sharing my testimony at Teen MOPS this coming Tuesday and would ask that you keep me in your prayers so the girls there here my heart. Tell me your story, show me your wounds. And I’ll show you what love sees when love looks at you. Hand me the pieces, broken and bruised. And I’ll show you what love sees when love looks at you. This song speaks to me; it speaks truth to my heart. A truth that so often can be crowded out by lies by the enemy, by the to do list, by weariness brought on by so many things of this world. At one point in my life this truth was not present and now at a much different season of life after grace has allowed me to see this truth in myself I sadly enough often miss it in others. Brokenness in our lives ...