The clouds tonight were fantastic. When I look at clouds I can’t help but imagine how soft and fluffy they are. I can almost picture myself bouncing off of them fearlessly. I said to Rick tonight that I imagine in heaven I will get to do that- I will have no fear like I do here on earth of hurting myself or my bladder giving out- (just keeping it real!) For me growing up not knowing Jesus- barely even knowing of Him, Heaven was really an unknown. I have a really vivid memory of when I was younger. I remember the house we lived in so I suppose I was around 9 and I knew my Grandma lived in heaven. She passed away when I was just 6 of cancer. Because I didn’t really understand death I didn’t get why she just couldn’t come back. Someone must of told me heaven was in the sky because when I yelled and I mean I. Yelled . up to heaven I begged Grandma to come back. I was home alone in my living room and I distinctly remember telling her that if she really loved me she’d come bac...