“Don’t worry this is just temporary” Early on in life, at the wise old age of 22 I remember a mentor saying this to me. I would call her in tears, over kids, over the opposite sex, over a job crisis, over dinner, over just about anything that happen to tip me over the edge that day and she would just simply listen and say. “Hun this is just temporary- someday you will look back on this and if you still remember it you will have a better understanding and realize that what you are feeling today is not forever.” Now certainly there are life circumstances when our feelings ease or change but yet still remain but for the most part I can say that looking back, especially over parenting most of my emotional downs (and ups) didn’t last and we moved on to new days and new emotions. There are a lot of labels in my life that have been temporary. An a ccident, abused, addicted, promiscuous, teen mom, single mom- all labels that brought with them feelings that didn’t feel so temp...