
Showing posts from May, 2015


Last night at Epik we honored the seniors that were there, we heard what their plans are, prayed over each one individually and thanked God for the blessing they've brought us. It was amazing to watch these young men and women and be a part of this. I left there and headed downtown because you see not all kids walk the same journey, I tried to imagine my oldest son walking a different journey, not feeling the pain he's felt at a young age, being freed from the bondage of addiction, and realized that although his journey looks very different he is NEVER out of the reach of God, he made a commitment younger in life and no matter how much he runs from God He will keep running into God, he'll forever be reminded of how he is loved, he'll forever be fought for, he is forever His no matter where life brings him. I prayed for him as I often do and when I was done praying I thought about how hard it is to have to look at a video screen to visit, to not be able to call and j...