Care Conference
Brielle has had a big week preparing for yet another big day. Last Friday there was a care conference regarding Brielle's care both while she is in the hospital and long term cares at home. The first step to getting Brielle closer to home (and when I say closer I mean not for months) is a procedure in which she will have a tracheotomy. A trach is done on babies that are going to need long term respiratory support. The trach will allow for Miss B to have all that "stuff" out her mouth, off of her face and it will plain just be more comfortable for her. The hope is that the trach will also allow for her to be weaned off all the sedation medications that she is on. The vent that she currently has is not comfortable and when she wakes to much she gets agitated and it causes her oxygen needs to rise which in turn causes her O2 saturation levels to drop. Of course the other benefit of coming off the sedation is giving her the opportunity to experience more developmentally appro...