Now I realize it's not nearly as hot as it was last week. And I also know that my wonderful girlfriends reading this may be encountering much higher temps than us wimpy Minnesota girls but I'm telling ya......
My friend Carrie and I were at the park with the kids. The sun was out in full force and I think it was only like 85 or so. We covered all the little kiddos with sunscreen and off we went. Their hot little bodies combined with sunscreen served as little glue sticks for the sand. What a mess. When we got back to my house I decided that they needed a little rinse with the hose. Just their feet and hands. I really was going to be careful.
Something about the relieved look in their faces told me that that they were going to need to really GET WET! The next thing I know I'm asking Carrie if she had extra clothes for Kylie but it was much to late. Damage was done and the giggling had started. The kids thought it was great that not only were they wet but they all had their clothes on. Oh what a relief it is......
Carrie had to take over the hose so I could snap a couple of pictures. Under the water is her daughter Kylie (4) and Sam. Sidney (former daycare friend) is running on the right.