If You Get a Boy a Birthday Present…
Have you ever seen the commercial for moon sand? Let's just review in case you haven't. It molds, it never dries out, EASY to clean up, doesn't stick to clothes.... all the things a parent loves to hear (and all the things I actually fell for).
Yesterday we were shopping for a birthday present for a party the boys were invited to. I had a couple of things that motivated me into looking into this and one was the mother of the boy suggested a present that involved crafts or building. I thought hmmmm wonder if this would be a good time to buy some of that moon sand. When the commercial comes on the boys are quick to admire it with big gleaming eyes and as long as I was picking some up for the friend I might as well get a small thing of it for Eric and Sam. AFTER ALL that would keep them busy for a while so I could get a few things done. Two colors ought to do it and they I ran across this treasure you see in the picture.... seriously does it get better?-MOON SAND WITH MONSTER TRUCKS..... oh life is good. So we placed two in the cart. One for the birthday boy and one for Eric and Sam. Well I wish I would have read some reviews on this before buying it....
good golly I got the boys all set up and Eric felt it and made a face and I should have known that if Eric was disturbed it was going to be messy. Eric doesn't do messy. Sam does messy and when he came to see me in the laundry room (remember I was going to get great things done while he played nicely) and told me there was a problem.... well that's where my not so finer moments began.
I walked up to my kitchen now the blue/yellow beach front and about cried. My sweet Sam finally had a moment where it was just to tempting and there was moon sand from one end of the table to the other, all over my kitchen chairs, the floor, on the dogs paws, going down the stairs, going into the living room and anywhere else that it stuck to. I enlisted Sam to a bit of cleaning but he was gone... off to wash up. So I get a path cleared to prevent anymore transmission to the rest of the house before going to find him and I suppose at least 5 minutes went by.....
Oh I heard water in fact as I went to the linen closet to grab some paper towel I heard this water running clearly but I thought it was just the toilet handle needing a little jiggle so I ventured into the bathroom only to find a small waterfall off the side of our vanity.
You know the shock when you can't even say anything, you can't even get upset, you don't dare talk for fear green split pea soup will fly and your head will twirl kind of shock.... yeah that was me.
So I turn off the water, build a dam on the sides of the vanity so no more water goes down and proceed to the basement because surely that is where this is all going. I'm pretty sure the upstairs bathroom is close to being above the downstairs bathroom so I go to flip on the light in the downstairs and it doesn't work, none of them work and I wonder "hmmmm wonder if the water has short circuited something" After a talk with my husband he confirms that is exactly what happened and tells me to check by the chest freezer/extra food storage area and sure enough there is water running down the walls there. Thankfully only 3 boxes of mac and cheese were not able to be saved.. My $20 box of Splenda (1000 packets from Sam's) was safe so I found some hope in that! I removed food, made sure the water was under control and went back to my first task.... remember ….THE MOON SAND.
Well in order to get this cleaned up I needed to take out the garbage because it was overflowing, I cleaned out the fridge earlier and at the top of this heap was a half thawed thing of freezer burnt sherbet and as soon as I touched the garbage not only did it fall out but the lid came off of it and SHERBET FLEW EVERYWHERE but thankfully not much of it landed in the moon sand. No the moon sand was on the other 1/2 of my 2x2 kitchen. Sherbet covered the rest of it. Lovely
I just stood there.... sherbet between my toes.... and cried. Not one of my finer moments. I didn't cuss (out loud) I didn't yell (right away) I did get it together fast and think, this could be funny later but I was not ready to laugh.
The good news is all this got my floor mopped, my house vacuumed, and I even dusted the family room. I mean why not? The day is already going a different direction, might as well go with it and really clean right?
The moon sand you ask.... in the garbage. I'm still dealing with the guilt of giving it to this other boy. I hope that mom speaks to me again!