Christmas Rewind 2003
Christmas Rewind '03
I have to start out by telling you that this Christmas letter has become a bit of a challenge for me. My funny daddy loves to tease my mommy about this letter and every year after my mommy writes the letter daddy then takes it and “edits” it. Or should I just say it how it is. He rewrites it! So this year I’m writing the letter, I’m so cute I could just about get away with anything!
Mommy says 2003 has been a good year for us. The house Mommy and Daddy bought while I was in Mommy’s tummy is coming together. Mommy thinks up stuff to do and then Daddy takes a car ride to Menards!
My favorite sister Kayla does so many girl things, it’s a good thing Mommy has her. Kayla likes to go to the mall and to movies with her friends, sometimes on the weekends I look for her to give her a kiss good night and she’s too busy doing something called a sleep over. Sleeping is boring enough why would you go do it some where else! Kayla also plays basketball. Eric and I got to go to a game and we sure heard the loud whistle a lot! I guess that what happens when those girls don’t roll the ball! (That’s all we’re allowed to do indoors!)
My hockey star brother Jordan loves to wrestle with me. I think when I grow bigger he might help me learn to skate. He’s pretty fast on that slippery stuff. Daddy said this year he made the traveling team! I’m not sure where we’re traveling too but it sounds like fun! I had fun in the summer watching Jordan play baseball with his team. They did a good job hitting the ball and making all the mommy’s and daddy’s clap!
Eric is my partner in crime. He’s 2 ½ so he knows more than I do, like when I want to get into the toilet and mommy closes the door, Eric knows how to open it! He’s trying to teach me but I’m only 18 months and he said he didn’t master that one until he was almost two. Eric loves to drive his green truck around the family room and he gets really mad at me when I touch his favorite things! I’ll tell you a little secret, but you have to promise not to tell Eric… I really love playing with him, we play cars and trucks and peek a boo and beat up daddy and we really have fun together. Mommy says God had me planned the whole time no matter what she and daddy were thinking!
Daddy was busy this summer building a big fort in the back yard. I think he called it a garage but it looks like a giant playhouse to me! Grandpa came to visit a lot and they made lots of noise with hammers. I think the first word I said was “Menards”. I’m just kidding but really Daddy did take a lot of car rides there!
Well one bad thing did happen this year…. I had to learn to share my mommy with other kids. She opened this thing called a daycare and all of a sudden all these kids were playing with my toys and hugging my mommy! Boy was I mad as first but now I know that it’s not a bad thing. I get to learn to share and sing songs and go on “field trips” and make new friends. And then at night Kayla and Jordan and Eric and me get to have her all to ourselves, so it’s not so bad and I think she likes it!
Mommy told me to let everyone know she loves to hear from you all through out the year. Her email address is
I don’t know much else than that, mommy told me Jesus is having a birthday soon so that should be fun. I like birthday parties. She said that’s why we get to say Merry Christmas
Love to all (I’m waving bye-bye and blowing kisses!)
Sam Eagen
AKA “Sammy Boy”