New Years Goals


I've been thinking about writing a post about my 2010 new year's goals since well since New Year's Day... there are a few things I'd like to get closer on my radar but I've realized that without a plan it really is fruitless to take the time to share and write when the reality is I may come back a few months from now and think "oh yeah- boy what happened to that?" .

SO I decided to go back into previous years, see what I have written, see what I have done and get a plan as to how to get to where I'm going. I found something very interesting.... it may not be interesting to you but I realized that every year about this time I struggle with anxiety, discontentment, fears, you know all the things that make a gal like me feel a bit crazy at times! Surprised smile

Christmas break is wonderful in every way. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the time at home with our family. So I guess it would be natural when "real life" returns in January to feel a bit overwhelmed. And then on top of it I tend to add those dreadful new year's goal's. Why do we do these things to ourselves? WHY?

So I say all that to say this: 1. I am going to borrow my friend's plan to help keep myself a bit more accountable this year and 2. I am NOT putting a diet on that goal list. 3. I'll have a plan.

1. I will come back every few months (2-3 months) and 'check in' with how things are going. I'll let you know.

2. Yeah the diet thing... Last year there was some success to getting my clothing size to a smaller number. This year if that happens great, but really what I have learned is that it needs to be about being healthier for general physical/mental health. I refuse to count points and in turn count myself as a failure when I want a snicker bar. Enough said.

3. Well this is self-explanatory. I will have a plan. I may need to give something up to bring something in. That's a hard one for me. But a plan is a must. It will also aide in helping me see the big picture and not adding more on to the winter crazies right now :)

Here they are:

1. In 2010 I will read the bible from front to back. I have never done this. I have never read the bible in it's entirety. I own eight…. yes 8 bibles, some given to me, some purchased thinking that it would be "easier" to understand. Who knows maybe I just plain thought one of them would read itself to me. Whatever the case here is the plan I am using. It's BibleGateway and everyday in my RSS reader it shows up, which is on my blackberry and I just pick up my bible. What have I given up? Really nothing in this case, in fact I've gained much more than I imagined and I am only 18 days into the readings. In the morning I look up the reading, get my coffee and sit and read. I have a small journal where I just jot down quick questions to later reference or a brief summery of the chapter (like 2 or 3 sentences).  My prayer was that God would reveal the words to me as they are, an account of history, a story of redemption, grace and hope and that is exactly what has happened. If I do nothing else on my list this year but this one I will be content. I will confess that I have one "rule" behind this one. NO COMPUTER aka Facebook before I've picked up my bible. Yes God I know your there,  I'll check on a few friends while I wake up and  just as soon as I see what the rest of the world is up to I’ll check on you. Hmmm thinkin that wasn't working for Him or me Winking smile

2. In 2010 I will participate in a 5k. I must confess I don't have a plan in place yet for this. Part of it has to do with the fact that I haven't been able to work out since my surgery Dec. 11th. Part one of this plan is keeping my physical health on the radar. I feel so much healthier when I work out, mentally I suffer less from anxiety in turn I eat better and well maybe those pants fit a little better. I think for the sake of keeping this real I will start working out again next Monday (if the doc clears me this week) and on my birthday look at the races and the dates. More to come.

3. Declutter, declutter, declutter!! Stuff becomes like weights that hold me down! It bothers me more and more and every year I get a little better at this. I have been using Freecycle as a means of letting stuff go and this year I need to get brave enough to learn how to sell items on ebay and/or craigslist. I'd be happy to hear any tips on this :) My plan: To have items that I want to sell in one location of the house by spring break and using spring break to get things rolling. I do have a start on this.

4. Hand written cards and notes. Remember those? Writing on someone's wall has gotten to easy- sending an email is fast. I still love getting a card in the mail. My plan is already somewhat in place. I have a box of cards ready to be received by some.  I considered putting birthday cards on this list but let's face it I'm just not sure that will happen. I would like to have a card in the mail in hopes of letting that person know that they are thought of/prayed for and valued. I think when I'm done here I will send my first one. God has placed someone on my heart for awhile now and just last week I thought it would now be a good time. What am I waiting for?

I could go on and on about things I want to do but let's be real and if I make it to big that will be my excuse for not getting to it!

Do you have New Year's Goals? Do you have a plan? I'd love to hear some of the different ways you've started your year. Go ahead and share Smile


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