#8 My Old Angel
Next week on Thanksgiving we'll travel to Wisconsin, Eau Claire to be exact to visit with family and celebrate the holiday. Growing up the drive to Wisconsin always seemed to be an adventure but it was always one that I looked forward to. My Great-Grandma Lorraine lived in Chippewa Falls. 628 Maple Street. I couldn't get anywhere in Chippewa Falls (or Eau Claire) but I could probably get to that address with my eyes closed. I haven't been to that address since March of 1992, nearly 20 years ago we said good-bye here on earth to my Old Angel. But see this is the thing... the memories I have of my Old Angel are so sweet, so precious and just as cherished today as they were in the days after we said good-bye. I am so thankful for that gift. Growing up didn't always give me such sweet memories but not so with Grandma Lorraine. Oh and could she worry... I'm telling you not a soul walked in her house without her checking to make sure their feet were warm enough. She could recite the anniversaries, birthdays, death dates, dentist appointments of your 3 cousin once removed! Her memory was unbelievable. Grandma drove slower than most toddlers on a trike, and loved to play Bingo. My Old Angel was faithful, full of goodness and love. She loved God and loved others like God. I remember her telling me once as a teen "I may not always like what you do but I will always love you". I believed her. It showed in all that she said and did. Grandma Lorraine loved her family, she really was a foundation for what often times seemed shaky and unstable in our family life. She lost her husband to soon, had to say good-bye to 3 children much to early but She endured and kept on and life was well with her. She tucked me in one night when I was laying there and she leaned in to kiss me and said good night little angel. I looked up and said good night old angel... from then on she signed letters to me as "Old Angel". I am forever thankful that I was that little angel under those covers.