Maybe It Is About Me?!

When I took this picture today I can assure you the look was simply due to being green at the gills because of the slow moving enclosed monorail I was riding at the zoo. I don't care for heights and I don't care for enclosed spaces. I really love the 9 kids that were in my group but at that height and in that small of a space I felt a bit tested. Especially when they'd bounce back and forth to see animals from side A to side B. I was sure the weight of these 9 3rd graders would be enough to bring the train car crashing down. (I know ye of little faith) but whatever I’m a wuss and I know it

I started my day feeling a bit stressed. I think I hit new reality checks daily with all the out of the normal things that is in our life these days. Feeling a bit like a juggling act that I’m about to drop balls on. But I just keep taking a deep breath and praying for strength. Reminding myself I’m a big girl and this is just a season of our life. Regardless 9 out of 10 times when I feeling a bit stressed the best medicine for me is going to work and getting out of myself.
WELL… on Mondays and Wednesdays I lead devotions for the school age campers and today we spoke about thanking God even when we’re upset, angry, hurt or sad. I was grateful I even had a example from my morning; When I saw the forecast for the day- rainy, overcast, cool I started to grumble and then I realized it was a perfect day for our camp field trip. Perfect weather for walking around the zoo- the animals would be out, we wouldn’t overheat and the bus might not smell like overheated 9 year old boys! :)… so back to the devotion. I asked the kids if they ever get mad at God or even if it was OK to get mad at God. The answers didn’t surprise me, some said yes, some said no- most who said no stated it was not OK. God would curse you, God would punish you etc… interesting to me at such young ages their views are not only forming but some are very set (or at least think they are). I talked about when we find the good and thank God it’s nearly impossible to complain at the same time. I even had a 2nd grade girl tell me “Mrs. Eagen sometimes when we don’t understand why things happen it’s because God knows best and sees everything” …. yes indeed.

We closed with this verse from Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

On the bus ride on the way home my head started to hurt. My co-worker was gracious enough to agree to stay for me so I could go home early.

I received an email with news about Jordan (not bad but emotional) and last but not least our realtor called with news that our dominos were not falling right therefore there was a “worst case scenario” and a “it could all come together”. Not exactly what you want to hear when your knee deep in boxes and the garbage man stops coming in 6 days. Regardless my deer in the headlights look above kind of went upward and I kind of said “really?”

I feel a bit tested, I had my tears, I will choose right now to not be anxious about ANYTHING but in EVERYTHING by prayer and petition seek God’s peace. I wiped my tears and went to Sam’s hockey game, listened to Eric tell me about all the fantastic things He’s learning in his Treasure Hunters groups. (Treasure Hunters is a vamped up VBS for older kids to dig deeper into God’s word) and now I’m going to go crawl into my bed with my book.

I am asked to those those devotions for the kids and I hope that I pass something along but today I’m quite sure that was really what I needed to hear.

cute Sam Picture and then really I’m done


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