
Showing posts from December, 2011


Eric loves to snuggle, he did then and he does now- only now he’s 10 and doesn’t fit quite as well in my lap so we make do- he curls up next to me on the couch and squishes his body up so he’s in a nice ball shape and snuggles. He’d never admit it. He’d never let me take a picture of it like below. But I don’t care. I’ll take them as long as he’ll give them

Due Date

I took this picture Christmas Eve. Kayla was chillin in the recliner and when I looked over at her she looked so content. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t even aware that I took a picture. Today (Dec. 27th) is baby Jack’s due date. Since a little before 20 weeks – August 4th to be exact Jack has kept us on our toes. After numerous trips to the doctor and 6 weeks of bed rest, efforts to keep him in have proven to be successful! Kayla has had contractions today anywhere from 8-12 minutes apart, she can’t keep anything down, she is convinced she’s dying and is already re-thinking the whole epidural thing. We went in and they gave her something to hopefully keep some fluids in and were told she’s most likely in the beginning stages of labor. They also said we could be back tonight…. yeah or in a week not so yeah…. **there are some bits of information that it is best not to share and telling an uncomfortable pregnant woman that she could be like that for another week is not the best jud...

Scratch Oprah's Favorites... Here's Mine

Some of my favorite things (in no particular order) music - it’s true, just yesterday in fact I was sportin some new wireless headphones and boppin around to some of my favorite 80’s tunes. I know I’m having fun when Eric gives me a pleading look “please stop mom, my life will surely end if someone sees you”. I am the most unmusical person you will meet but I love to listen to all different kinds of music and I am really blessed by the talents of others. movie nights with the family - I love to snuggle up with everyone in the family room and watch a movie. Even the not so great movies seem alright when we all sit and watch them together. Every Christmas break it seems as if we spend a lot of time with movie nights. In fact by accident the last 2 years we’ve watched all 6 Star Wars episodes, which none of us get sick of. This year we’ve started with Harry Potter. I watched the first one for the first time. I am a Harry Potter newbie and that is going to end this week. church- ...

Merry Christmas

All 4 of my children were under one roof for Christmas this year. Hope it is a start of new traditions. starting on the left. Kayla, Bobbie (aka mom), Chris (brother), Alissa (Chris’ better half), Eric, Sam, Me, Jordan, Ryan (cousin), Kathleen (aunt). And behind the camera is Rick. All 11 of us enjoyed a great Christmas. Oh let’s not forget these two… Macy aka dufus and Bixby

Holiday Ramblings

picture taken back when getting underwear was acceptable….. It’s Christmas Eve today. I do love Christmas but I’ll be honest it’s proven to be a lot of work for me in the past. There’s Christmas cards, getting the right picture for them, mailing them out, baking, decorating (2 trees and way to many snowmen for any one house), shopping, oh the shopping that’s just traumatizing to think about. And then there’s the wrapping. I suck am challenged when it comes to wrapping presents. There’s Christmas dinner- which is worth the work. I make a pretty tasty dinner on Christmas Eve. Some years on Christmas morning I would be waiting for the go gun at the start line to start ripping down the trees in an effort to get order back to my life. Well last year I let the cards go. I am off work for 10 days and decided it’s ok to nap and not kill myself working on a to-do list. I don’t really bake a ton and Christmas time is no time to put my hat in the ring. I just enjoy what others bake...


40 Days til… I turn 40. Not thinking about this for any particular reason. I’m not freaking out about it. I’m not overly excited about it. I’m not convinced I’m one step closer to having a foot in the grave. I ‘m not old, I don’t feel “middle aged” As with a lot of other things in my life I just feel it is what it is . I thought it would be fun to try to blog about some of the past 40 years. I feel as if 40 should at least entitle me to enter the “maybe she knows something” category. I sat here this morning drinking my coffee…. well honestly grabbing it for dear life as I do most mornings. I was browsing Facebook, thinking about my to do list and I glanced up to see that the sky out my windows turned this amazing shade of pink. I shut my laptop and just sat. Perfectly still. Knowing enough to know that the sky only stays that shade of pink for a few minutes while the sun is just in the right spot of the skyline. As I looked out my window I could hear my furnace running, my husb...

#10 Life Lessons

I've been thinking- actually I've been thinking A LOT about my blog- I love coming back here and reading about all the memories that I kept track of. Life with 4 kids in the house always provided good story telling material. My days either brought me tons of laughter or brought me to tears. I was reading this post and the nostalgia was there but more-so an undeniable feeling of gratitude. Life looks different than I ever imagined it would look. So I remembered that I started a list of 1000 gifts and I think I'll try something different and try to continue it. So that brings me to #10. I am grateful for life lessons. A couple of weeks ago a couple at our church said good-bye to their 12 year old son here on earth. His funeral, the celebration of life that was held for this boy was heart breaking and breath taking all at the same time. I have found myself more than a few times asking myself when Eric and Sam are being ridiculous "does this really matter in the big...