Due Date

I took this picture Christmas Eve. Kayla was chillin in the recliner and when I looked over at her she looked so content. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t even aware that I took a picture.

Today (Dec. 27th) is baby Jack’s due date. Since a little before 20 weeks – August 4th to be exact Jack has kept us on our toes. After numerous trips to the doctor and 6 weeks of bed rest, efforts to keep him in have proven to be successful!
Kayla has had contractions today anywhere from 8-12 minutes apart, she can’t keep anything down, she is convinced she’s dying and is already re-thinking the whole epidural thing. We went in and they gave her something to hopefully keep some fluids in and were told she’s most likely in the beginning stages of labor.
They also said we could be back tonight…. yeah
or in a week not so yeah…. Sick smile
**there are some bits of information that it is best not to share and telling an uncomfortable pregnant woman that she could be like that for another week is not the best judgment call. Confused smile Ironically enough the doc that told her this news had a black eye. Made me wonder exactly where it came from!
I’m am so excited to meet this little guy- we’re all ready Jack Jack- please oh please don’t keep us waiting much longer! I only have 6 more days of break and I fully intend on spending them cuddling my grandson! Red heart


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