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I am thankful for the memories my boys will have of growing up and hanging out with Daddy, raking leaves or whatever other project happen to be going on outside our house walls.
I knew exactly what pictures I wanted to use for day four. At our old home it was a yearly tradition to have a leaf raking day and all three boys would help Dad get the trailer filled and they it would get hauled off to the compost pile. The boys would have so much fun out there laughing and playing and probably much to Rick’s dismay only a little raking actually went on from anyone under age! Be right back
Our new house only has a few baby trees that don’t really require raking. In fact I think the few leaves they have blew away. By the time they are big enough to produce a fall mess I’m hoping our boys will come visit and clean up mom and dad’s yard just like in the ‘old days’ Angel
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Did you notice Princess Kayla was no where to be seen? Easy answer for that- 1. either there was shopping going on or 2. there are to many bugs in the leaves. Confused smile


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