#20, 21 and 22- Old, New and Blue

I am tired tonight- I have a razor blade like feeling in my throat and it's been a long day but I find joy in thinking about these things so it will be short and sweet.

20-A old gift today would have to be my Father in Law. We went up to see him today. He is failing. It is hard to see him look so ill and not excited to beat me up in a game of cribbage. He has been with us a lot longer than doctors told us 20 months ago. Bob isn't a touchy feelings kind of guy but for quite some time I know when I see him he loves me and I know he knows I love him. Praying for his comfort tonight and thanking God for the gift of Bob in my life.

21-My new classroom arrangement. It's just working, clicking, movin and groovin. And that my friends makes for a good day when you're a little on the obsessive side when it comes to having an organized flow. :)

22. A gift that is blue- easy peezy. My blue snuggli blanket


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