
Showing posts from 2014


  “Don’t worry this is just temporary” Early on in life, at the wise old age of 22 I remember a mentor saying this to me. I would call her in tears, over kids, over the opposite sex, over a job crisis, over dinner, over just about anything that happen to tip me over the edge that day and she would just simply listen and say. “Hun this is just temporary- someday you will look back on this and if you still remember it you will have a better understanding and realize that what you are feeling today is not forever.” Now certainly there are life circumstances when our feelings ease or change but yet still remain but for the most part I can say that looking back, especially over  parenting most of my emotional downs (and ups) didn’t last and we moved on to new days and new emotions. There are a lot of labels in my life that have been temporary. An a ccident, abused, addicted, promiscuous, teen mom, single mom- all labels that brought with them feelings that didn’t feel so temp...


I get stuck. Frustrated. Heartbroken. Scared. Even desperate. The things of this world trip me up and attack what's most precious to me. Most days I want to fight and move forward but more and more often I long for heaven. What does that mean? It doesn't mean I'm going to end it nor do I wish it to end. It does mean I crave Jesus, His love, His strength, His ability to shoulder the burdens that are just to much for me.  I move forward. I choose to trust. I love. I choose joy. I have faith.  You need only be still. I will fight for you. Exodus 14:14

Throw Back Thursday

  Throw Back Thursday … AKA #tbt Those were the days. I survived and I’m here to laugh about it. If You Get a Boy A Birthday Present

Out on the Town

  I went out tonight to get some new shoes. I had birthday money and sore feet. Decision made. After that I also had a couple of returns to make from Christmas so off to the mall I went. (I like to avoid the crowds right after Christmas) Who knew how relaxing the mall is on a Wednesday evening. I ran into a couple of people that added some fun to my night. My first stop was a preschool parent who was so excited to tell me her son had recently been invited into a gifted and talented program and how grateful she is for all the teachers her kids had at Kingdom Kids and how greatful she is that they had a great start in school. Seriously such a blessing to hear and so sweet. As I was getting ready to leave I ran into another old friend and I’m sure had her daughter not been with we’d still be chatting. I got home and caved and made one of those cheesy Facebook videos and got to thinking about what a blessing Facebook has been in my life. I am a bit of a social being. I love my f...

It's All In A Name

Today my co-worker was assessing on colors. She took unifix cubes and pointed to the orange one and said "name this color" without missing a beat the young lady said "Ella". You can make this stuff up......

Monday Musings

  Well today was a Monday. Really need I say more? I’m going to say more regardless. *I was informed I am the worst Mom E.V.E.R. *Tears before 9am. *I preceded to get a ton done both on the home front and at work. *I got even more done after work helping my daughter with her new ventures. *I trained my youngest children how to bake a hotdish. – Maybe next time they can put it together to. (I know I’m pushin it here) *Coffee is set for morning *Lunches are packed for Tuesday *Now I’m going to sit in front of the TV and watch a show that I am not ready to confess in public that I watch every Monday night on ABC at 7pm. (DVR’d) * I almost forgot- the mean mom thing- I was wrong not the worst mom, the meanest. I earned that badge for sending my youngest to school with a tummy ache. I told him if his tummy is still buggin him after he’d been in school awhile go to the nurse. I then told our office if the school nurse calls re-direct her to Rick. I had a missed call from the sc...

An Open Letter to Addiction

  Dear Addiction, Well you made it to the news again today. Another celebrity dead at your hands. It is always so tragic and when you manage to make it to the spotlight; you become a little more known than you were when people woke up this morning. No worries you’ll soon be forgot about, because you know as well as I do that people who manage to avoid you don’t realize this truth; that it’s just not a celebrity once in a while that you claim. You claim lives daily. You ruin marriages, make children stray, cause depression, anxiety, the inability to function in society or hold a job becomes the norm. You cause homelessness, hopelessness, helplessness. You destroy and beat down slowly and sometimes quickly. You might actually do an addict a favor when you take their last breathe away. At least at that point there’s no more questions about what tomorrow will bring. There’s not the constant planning for the next high, wondering who will know, how much is to much, momentary concern o...

Happy Birthday

  For a few weeks I’ve been telling myself that I am going to blog through a year. Now seriously I can’t even finish the 30 day photo challenges so time will tell how this little experiment will work. I’ve put NO expectations on this except that everyday I will post SOMETHING. I thought it only fitting since today is my birthday to share a bit about my birth. Today after I woke up I was enjoying my coffee and I was reading/studying a lesson on God’s sovereignty. God is in control. God has a plan. This may have slipped my mind a few times   lot lately. That brings me to picture #1. That is the note that my Grandma Barb wrote to my mom’s siblings when I was born. It’s pretty cool really if you think about it. This was written on the morning of Feb.2, 1972. I found this note years ago- I think in my late teens/early 20’s. The line that has always stood out to be was the last one. For all I know it could have meant “Don’t tell anyone yet.” because my mom and Grandma wanted...