Baby Steps
Journal entry by Jordan Heyer — 1/31/2016 Well, Brielle continues to do very well. She's still on the ventilator however they weened the nitric oxide off completely, so she is breathing what you and I are breathing and seems to be tolerating very well so far. Her blood gases have remained consistent, and her feedings have increased by a cc every two hours. Her respiratory problems have seemed to kind of subside for the time being, so much that there is talk about coming off the ventilator all together and just being put on the c pap. It's incredible really, her ventilator is set to take 35 breaths a minute but she's breathing on her own at about 60. She is so little but fighting so hard, the reconstruction to her heart is the next big step and that won't be for awhile because she still has some growing to do before she can tolerate that. Thank you again for all the prayers (taken from CB)