Happy Birthday Brielle!

Brielle was born January 20th at 6:11am. She came at a very young age of 27 weeks and weighs 2.3lbs. On top of the prematurity, she has several defects which include a pretty significant VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect), as well as a Double Outlet Right Ventricle. It's a rare defect in which the pulmonary artery, and the aorta, both rise from the right ventricle. It's serious, yet repairable by surgery. She also was in uterine with very low amniotic fluid which really impacts lung development. The heart and lung issues along with the prematurity really make for a scary situation. Different doctors had different opinions and most of them made it clear before delivery that life was not very likely for my baby girl. Thus far she has defied all odds and is still fighting strong as ever. She isn't breathing on her own but that was to be expected. Her lungs are however retaining oxygen and giving her body what it needs. Her heart is pumping at a pretty consistent rate and although medication was needed, her blood pressure is stable. She has a long path ahead of her and there are still a lot of unknowns. Your prayers are what is going to keep this precious peanut fighting.

(Taken from Caringbridge)


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