

Remember the movie Footloose?

Am I that old? I refuse to believe that! Yesterday afternoon I decided to plant myself on the couch for a few minutes at rest time. I rarely sit down to watch TV in the afternoon. I was flipping around the channels and found the movie Footloose with Kevin Bacon. ( side note: he really was cute! ) Anyway it was at the beginning and I started watching. Jordan had just come home and I was all excited.

I said Jordan have you seen this?

He looked at me like I was possibly an alien...Alien. He hit the "info" button on the remote and it gives a brief description of the movie and the year it was made. Any guesses on that year? I'll get to that later. So he sat down and watched it for a few minutes and before I know it he's working on our puzzle and getting rather bored. I'm in awe! I mean Ariel had just put a tape in the boombox and everyone was dancing. Her Dad ( the preacher ) was about to bust them all and Jordan could have cared less! Then he volunteered to bring the dog for a walk! Surprised smile That really meant he wasn't interested. I being the good mom was disappointed that my almost teenage son wasn't jumping at the chance to bond with his mother!Be right back

" Jordan don't you want to see this? " ( I shouldn't have asked that by the way! )

" Mom it's a little, well you know.... old fashioned for me "

Surprised smile

Jordan continues "Mom I might as well watch an Elvis movie, I mean look at the way they are dancing, it looks like they're having seizures"

My mouth still hanging open and tying to hide my hurt.  "it's not that old"

"mom it's almost as old as my teacher, it was made in 1984, my teacher is only 23"

Case Closed


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