Let the Games Begin
I'm so excited about the Olympic Games beginning today. My favorites are the skating competition but really I've grown to just enjoy watching the competitors and really appreciate how hard they work. I really hope this is not a sign of my age! LOL We have DVR (digital video recording) and I've got it set to record the games that are aired today. So forgive me if I seem distant I have every intention of becoming a TV junkie the next couple of weeks. I will post some of my picks after seeing them but of course there are the favorites from past, Michelle Kwan and Sasha Koehn, that spin Sasha does always makes me wince! Then there are the events that always bring out the mama in me... the up in the air, flips that some of those skiers do. Yikes. I'm always so afraid we'll witness some horrible accident so this year I think I'll just pray for their safely and try not to close my eyes to much!