Happy Birthday Sammy Boy!


No you didn't re-read yesterdays title!~

Today is Sam's 4th birthday. In fact as I'm typing this in just 6 short minutes my fourth baby will be 4 years old.

He woke up at 5:52am this morning.

 "mommy is it time to get up?"

"is it my birthday now?" 

Poor boy I very firmly told him he HAD to get back in bed and sleep longer before it could be his birthday, it was way to early! In all seriousness he would have been a case today if I would have let him stay up! He's still sleeping over 2 hours later. Good call.

I went into labor on Jordan's birthday, in fact I had been sick that whole day and Jordan wanted Taco Salad for his birthday dinner. I'm not sure I've ever felt the same about Taco Salad since then.

Jordan's only request. "Don't have the baby on my birthday".

I said "I'll do my best".

Actually I had a hard time believing I was actually in labor with Sam. My contractions never got real regular and all my other kids went past there due date and I was 6 days before it.  I also never had a labor start and finish with out help from doctors so I figured it would slow down or stop at anytime. I think there was a shock factor involved that really couldn't believe my body figured out how to do this! 

Well Jordan got his wish Sam came the next morning at 8:26am and weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 20in long. We didn't know if he was  a boy or girl until that day so when they yelled "it's a boy" Rick and I started bawling. It was such a fun surprise. Oh and I almost forgot it was Father's Day. I haven't been able to top that present since! Needless to say Kayla lost all hope of a sister at that point!

Having two boys 13 months apart has made for some interesting moments the last few years. I can say I sleep well at night when one of them isn't getting up. Sam still doesn't always sleep through the night. He's such a fun little boy, so full of adventure. Loves superheroes, rockets and laser's. Loves getting into whatever he can find. 

Sam is the boy that will never walk around that mud puddle, he will always jumps right into the middle!

We love you Sam! Have a fun filled day! We're going to get pizza tonight and then home to open presents and have cake. We never did buy any party gear until yesterday. I brought him with and had him pick it. I figured we'd be safe to pick everything out the day before. He picked out a CARS theme. Knew he would, they loved the movie




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