Overdue Baseball


I have been thinking about this post for Jordan since the day I wrote Kayla's, in fact I was going to do Jordan's right after I finished the update about the duck but low and behold here I sit, over a week later. Poor Jordan, if he doesn't have middle child issues it'll be a miracle! Flirt male

Jordan has gotten lots of practice with his skateboard this spring. He and the neighbor kids have managed to build themselves a few "trick" items. A grinding bar, a small ramp (I think) and if your name is Jordan you don't need to build a ramp you can just go downhill on the street behind us! Duh! Last Saturday he was doing exactly that with NO protection on ANY part of his body. Disappointed smile Sure enough he took a pretty good digger and is darn lucky he came out of it with as little injury as he has. There is a good size abrasion on his elbow. In fact if there had been skin left to stitch we would have needed a couple. He has a smaller scrap on his wrist and leg. And ALOT of sore muscles.  Hopefully the pain will stay fresh in his mind love enough to keep him off that hill!


About 3 weeks ago Jordan made a discovery up the street from us. There is a new friend that is Jordan's age. His name is Scott and he is in the same grade as Jordan. They have a lot of similar interests. They most common interest right now is baseball. Every day Jordan comes home after school, and is ready to get right back out the door to go over to the baseball field with Scott. They hang out over there for a couple hours at a time. It's really neat the friendship they are developing.

The little guys and I were walking over to the field one night that Jordan had been over at the field. There was a hot air balloon filling and getting ready to go up. I said something to Jordan and all of a sudden I hear someone say "Do you know Jordan?" .... ummmm I'm his mom. (side note: I always get a little nervous when someone asks me that question, never know what my darling children have been up too! Be right back ) Anyway the guy was a coach for a team that had been practicing, he said to me "Jordan really should be playing baseball. He's got a great arm". What do I say without explaining our whole life story other than "Thank you, he does have a great arm and I,  his loser mom am not allowing him to play". That's what I feel like saying, I feel like no matter what I say that's what they hear. I know, get over it right? 

Scott also plays on a team for seventh grade minors. We choose not to sign Jordan up again this year because of other commitments. I (we) feel very strongly that when you are part of a team to commit to that team. If you can't be there it's not fair to the other team members. Jordan went with the family (there are 5 kids total in Scott's family) to watch Scott's game, well the second visit to the game they whole crew came racing up on their bikes after the game and Jordan announced he'd been drafted. The coach followed shortly behind and we talked about why Jordan isn't playing. He was OK with Jordan missing games. His team is very short and I believe he said they couldn't play one game or almost couldn't play a game because they didn't have enough players. I told him there would be a few games Jordan wouldn't be there for and it doesn't seem to be an issue in this case. Coach called the commissioner to get permission for the late addition and by the next day Jordan's 2006 baseball career started up again. He played in his first game Thursday evening and I have to admit it was nice to see him playing. With all the ups and downs the last couple of years we've avoided over doing it and that unfortunately includes sports. He does look right at home out there. He has games Tuesdays/Thursdays and practice on Sunday nights. Sam went with me to his game on Thursday. First night on bleachers and that child manages to fall through the top one! Another Dad and myself caught him in mid air! We'll be bringing our folding chairs next game.


"Mom can I have......." A new bike, a new cell phone, a new IPod, new drums, blah, blah blah.

"Jordan you can have just about anything you want"


"Yep, just start saving your money"

"But I don't have any money?"

"Well now there's a problem.... better get a job"

"A job"

"Yes a job, get out there, knock on doors and tell them your willing to work and then if you get an opportunity work your buns off and they will call you again and even recommend you to others"

Well Jordan took my advice and hit the pavement. He knocked on doors around the neighborhood and landed himself a mowing job and a car washing job. One of the doors he knocked on belonged to the Head Coach for the rookie league baseball camp, designed for boys 4-6 years old. It's at the field across the street on Friday nights for 2 hours. Jordan was hired to work at the camp as a helper for 4 weeks. Yeah Jordan. You may just get some of those things you want and you'll feel so proud of the fact that you worked for them.



Missions: Jordan's mission trip this summer will be his first week long one. He does other services and normally serves at least once a month in the nursery at church as a F.L.A.S.H. student. This year he will spend a week with other middle school students serving during the day at a place called Friendship Place. It's local and they will do everything from yard work to working with the neighborhood kids Friendship Place serves. In the early evening they will return to our church and serve in VBS that is happening that week. They help with the different classes and then at the end of the week run the games for the carnival. At night they have group time together talking about ways they serve and devotion time together. They then sleep right there at the church. At the end of the week they are rewarded for there service by a trip to Noah's Ark (water park in Wisconsin). I know it'll be a good experience for him.


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