
Showing posts from 2010

#8 My Old Angel

Next week on Thanksgiving we'll travel to Wisconsin, Eau Claire to be exact to visit with family and celebrate the holiday. Growing up the drive to Wisconsin always seemed to be an adventure but it was always one that I looked forward to. My Great-Grandma Lorraine lived in Chippewa Falls. 628 Maple Street. I couldn't get anywhere in Chippewa Falls (or Eau Claire) but I could probably get to that address with my eyes closed. I haven't been to that address since March of 1992, nearly 20 years ago we said good-bye here on earth to my Old Angel. But see this is the thing... the memories I have of my Old Angel are so sweet, so precious and just as cherished today as they were in the days after we said good-bye. I am so thankful for that gift. Growing up didn't always give me such sweet memories but not so with Grandma Lorraine. Oh and could she worry... I'm telling you not a soul walked in her house without her checking to make sure their feet were warm enough. She could...

#7 Eric's Revenge

7. Eric's desire to "get revenge" on his last AWANA 'record'. He was able to memorize 10 verses earlier in the year and He warned His leader that this week he would like to WILL learn 14 verses. (he asked me to cross out would like to and change to will). I'm thankful that He desires God's word, he works for it and is learning to apply it to his life.

1000 Gifts

  1000 Gifts, I have been inspired and have decided to start my own list. Daily I'm reminded of little treasures that so eloquently  whisper 'I love you'. Here is the link to the book written by Ann VosKamp called One Thousand Gifts I have enjoyed reading a friends list on her blog , I have looked at others here and there and I'm in so let's start with... 1. My Creator, the maker of all that I am and the One who loves me. Period. God 2. My children, each for different reasons, each in their unique way, but all for the way they show me God's infinite love. 3. My husband, his love, our love, our life together. 4. Truth, something that for so long I searched for, asked for, debated, denied, desired and a thirst for that truth that was only quenched by the purest of all waters... living waters. 5. Coffee... yes it's true. I enjoy the warmth, the taste, different flavors, a good conversation with a friend or the solitude. 6. The willingness to procrastinate jus...

Book Hopper

Currently I have a number of books on my morning table and night stand. - Praying God's Word Day by Day - Beth Moore (have picked this book up off and on- believe I've read most of the book but not in any particular order) - What's So Amazing About Grace - Phillip Yancy (just recommended to me and I noticed in our church bulletin last week there is a Sunday school class on this book...mmmm) - Where is God When it Hurts - Phillip Yancy (saw this when going to purchase the other Phillip Yancy book and since my gift certificates were exactly the cost of the two I got it- only in the 2nd chapter) - Shades of Blue - Karen Kingsbury (my fiction book that goes around in my purse for those spare moments- almost finished, not my favorite KK book but still enjoying it) - Facing Your Giants - Max Lucado (only a few chapter in) - NIV Bible - God (in my quest to read through the bible in a year I found myself getting a little stir crazy in the OT with law- I had to start reading a litt...

New Years Goals

I've been thinking about writing a post about my 2010 new year's goals since well since New Year's Day... there are a few things I'd like to get closer on my radar but I've realized that without a plan it really is fruitless to take the time to share and write when the reality is I may come back a few months from now and think "oh yeah- boy what happened to that?" . SO I decided to go back into previous years, see what I have written, see what I have done and get a plan as to how to get to where I'm going. I found something very interesting.... it may not be interesting to you but I realized that every year about this time I struggle with anxiety, discontentment, fears, you know all the things that make a gal like me feel a bit crazy at times! Christmas break is wonderful in every way. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the time at home with our family. So I guess it would be natural when "real life" returns in January to feel a bit over...