
Showing posts from March, 2011

Spring Break Fun

The boys and I started our spring break by heading up to St. Paul to visit the Boy King- The King Tut Exhibit . The exhibit itself was pretty interesting, what was tough was trying to get the boys interested in the journey to Tut himself- really it was all about the prize at the end for them the mummy. (which is just a exact replica). Sam would stop mid tracks and again remind me of how they make mummies... the gory details of how they are gutted. Nothing morbid or future serial killerish about his fascination but regular boy goofiness. Case in point- one of the statues had his son standing next to him naked- and yes all the parts showed- and yes Sam and Eric pointed, giggled and completely missed the fact that the statue like all the others had incredible details and colors and it was just amazing to me the ability and talent put into each one. I wish we could have taken pictures but they were not allowed inside the exhibit. In fact my friends daughter was scolded for trying to eat a...

Wonderfully Made

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... I believe that... I do. For that reason I somehow got it in my head that it was OK (and it may be for you) to allow what is naturally happening to areas of my body- specifically my grey hair that was overtaking the top of my head. Well I have since decided this was silliness.....I read in a book recently that everyone is young in heaven..... I'm okay with a little heaven on earth. Before...... After

Sam's Spine

Last fall while in the ER with Sam for some abdominal pain the ER doc noticed in an x-ray a small curve in Sam's spine. Now granted these x-rays weren't meant to view the spine so he just told me the next time we're in to mention this to Sam's pediatrician. Well the abdominal pain turned out to be an on-going issue we have with Sam and his bowels (a post I will spare b/c of TMI) and so recently we finally had a chance to visit because of illness. I wasn't in a huge hurry b/c Jordan had mild scoliosis in his earlier teen years and I figured Sam possibly had the start of the same. Jordan's never required treatment and with Sam still being young there was no rush. Anyhoo we had to go up to the Mayo building to the peds imaging department (which like everything else at Mayo is quite plush) and Sam was asked to undress to his underwear and put on this blue paper robe. I had my camera- I wanted to sneak a pic- I really REALLY did but the fear of what Sam might do over...

Happy Birthday Brother!

Today is my brother's 30th birthday- Happy Birthday Chris! My brother is smart, handsome, driven (literally by his feet), a great cook, funny and last but not least TAKEN! A few years back Rick made this print for my mom for Christmas- it's different pics of Chris and I growing up. My mom sure was lucky having such cute kids...    

So Far This Year

For Christmas my mom gave me a new camera. I just w anted something simple to put in my purse and take out and point and shoot. Well I've pulled it out of my purse a few times but really have yet to transfer the pictures. I started looking at them tonight... we've had a busy year so far and we're only 3 months into it. By January we had just a little bit of snow.....    We've all piled in the car to vacate the house while potential buyers looked.  Went to visit Rick's Mom (above) and Dad (below) Some intense games of Monopoly.... no longer is there railroads and Boardwalk- nope now it's airports and disney world!   We are offically a 'WILD' family- we've had the chance to attend a few games and have a blast each time.    Went to the Waterpark of America (above) and Nick Universe (below)   Have a great birthday dinner with ALL my kiddos (at once I might add). Last 30's b-day or should I say m...

#9 Lazy Afternoons

What a glorious day to do nothing. Some of my favorite things about doing nothing include a good book, recorded DVR shows (most recent favorite is Criminal Minds). A hot cup of coffee (or two or three), smelling the crock pot full of what I hope will be an acceptable dinner. Feelings of anxiousness lost despite the fact I have a to-do list a mile long. There are a few thoughts of the upcoming week but just mainly my mind just hears the sounds of passing cars on the wet road. The occasion growl from our dumb dog who thinks she can take on the passing german shepherd. The living room clock is ticking and Sam is wearing down my phone battery playing angry birds. Rick is off to fleet farm doing whatever it is that men do at Fleet Farm. Eric is reading a book and watching Disney XD all at the same time. Sure there is a passing thought about changing the load of laundry but really it will wait, in fact I think I'll scan facebook, fill my coffee cup and read the nex...

My Wondering Mind

I'm sitting here this morning drinking my coffee with some random thoughts. Thoughts that I really don't need to give brain space to. I've been sleeping awful this week. That never helps anything. In fact I'm not even sure if it's really safe to be blogging right now because you just never really know what may come out. Here's how it goes- I go to sleep- I have some bizarre dream- I wake- look at my phone for a missed call (yes at 2am) and then attempt to go back to sleep. Some nights I do this 4 or 5 times. The missed call you think? Who could possibly call in the middle of the night? Well these calls tend to be the tragic ones, ones with bad news, accidents etc.... Now granted this could happen. To ANYONE: What makes me entertain those thoughts... trust and truth - both of which I lack in when my mind is wondering. I have been walked, pulled from, crawled out of, prayed through so much and yet daily I struggle with placing those I love (where they ar...

Pink River Dolphins

Who says a preschool teacher can't learn as she teaches. Some of the best ideas I've had come from 3 and 4 year olds. One of the grandest things is when I say really off the wall things and make my assistant laugh as it normally goes right over the heads of the kids. Kind of like the comedy in a disney movie only live. anyhoo.... Well today I was reading We're Roam ing in the Rainforest and I came to the page that mentioned a pink river dolphin and I (out loud) said "I wonder if there really is such a thing as a River Pink Dolphin?" to which my lovely assistant laughs and shakes her head at me. (which btw is deserved about 99% of the time) Well won't they all be shocked on Wednesday when I bring this information back to them- HA! Who knew!?