Spring Break Fun
The boys and I started our spring break by heading up to St. Paul to visit the Boy King- The King Tut Exhibit. The exhibit itself was pretty interesting, what was tough was trying to get the boys interested in the journey to Tut himself- really it was all about the prize at the end for them the mummy. (which is just a exact replica). Sam would stop mid tracks and again remind me of how they make mummies... the gory details of how they are gutted. Nothing morbid or future serial killerish about his fascination but regular boy goofiness. Case in point- one of the statues had his son standing next to him naked- and yes all the parts showed- and yes Sam and Eric pointed, giggled and completely missed the fact that the statue like all the others had incredible details and colors and it was just amazing to me the ability and talent put into each one. I wish we could have taken pictures but they were not allowed inside the exhibit. In fact my friends daughter was scolded for trying to eat a tic-tac inside the exhibit. They are indeed one of a kind and I'd hate for one of the Pharaoh's to be defiled by a tic-tac.
Once outside of the exhibit we started to explore the rest of the museum. The first part proved to be a bit challenging as there was a LARGE group there from a school (that later after I googled were from northern minnesota) that was a bit 'overpowering' . The boys were getting really frustrated with the fact that just about everything we stopped at got interrupted by one of these kids in a red shirt (they all wore them) and not just interrupted but nearly impossible to work on intended science experiment. Normally I just quietly encourage the boys to be a good example (when they aren't the rude ones) or even just politely ask the offending child to please be patient but this was not happening so the camp in me came out. After I first used this to remind the boys that when we are with camp in the summer it's so very important to be good repersentives and then I secondly decided that if the red shirt chaperone's were to busy on their cell phones and chatting with one another that I would remind the red shirts of some basics. Eric was pretty impressed when a child grabbed something out of his hand and I looked at the kiddo and just firmly said "please don't grab- use your words and wait your turn- oh and give it back" The fun part about that was Eric later was telling Dad about how mom "let a kid have it so he could finish his turn". Yes there is some gratification in being a mama bear. No there is no gratification in the fact that most of these kids if they had boundaries they didn't bring them with them.
Well the red shirts departed and despite all that we had fun- I got a few pictures and only because the boys had to verbally contract to not fight and run when I said smile
in training for the Today show someday-
pre-historic fun
I took the next two pictures with the camera lens on the other side of a globe- turned out kind of fun.
what boy doesn't want to play with fire...
Once outside of the exhibit we started to explore the rest of the museum. The first part proved to be a bit challenging as there was a LARGE group there from a school (that later after I googled were from northern minnesota) that was a bit 'overpowering' . The boys were getting really frustrated with the fact that just about everything we stopped at got interrupted by one of these kids in a red shirt (they all wore them) and not just interrupted but nearly impossible to work on intended science experiment. Normally I just quietly encourage the boys to be a good example (when they aren't the rude ones) or even just politely ask the offending child to please be patient but this was not happening so the camp in me came out. After I first used this to remind the boys that when we are with camp in the summer it's so very important to be good repersentives and then I secondly decided that if the red shirt chaperone's were to busy on their cell phones and chatting with one another that I would remind the red shirts of some basics. Eric was pretty impressed when a child grabbed something out of his hand and I looked at the kiddo and just firmly said "please don't grab- use your words and wait your turn- oh and give it back" The fun part about that was Eric later was telling Dad about how mom "let a kid have it so he could finish his turn". Yes there is some gratification in being a mama bear. No there is no gratification in the fact that most of these kids if they had boundaries they didn't bring them with them.
Well the red shirts departed and despite all that we had fun- I got a few pictures and only because the boys had to verbally contract to not fight and run when I said smile
in training for the Today show someday-
pre-historic fun
I took the next two pictures with the camera lens on the other side of a globe- turned out kind of fun.
what boy doesn't want to play with fire...