Sam's Spine

Last fall while in the ER with Sam for some abdominal pain the ER doc noticed in an x-ray a small curve in Sam's spine. Now granted these x-rays weren't meant to view the spine so he just told me the next time we're in to mention this to Sam's pediatrician. Well the abdominal pain turned out to be an on-going issue we have with Sam and his bowels (a post I will spare b/c of TMI) and so recently we finally had a chance to visit because of illness. I wasn't in a huge hurry b/c Jordan had mild scoliosis in his earlier teen years and I figured Sam possibly had the start of the same. Jordan's never required treatment and with Sam still being young there was no rush. Anyhoo we had to go up to the Mayo building to the peds imaging department (which like everything else at Mayo is quite plush) and Sam was asked to undress to his underwear and put on this blue paper robe. I had my camera- I wanted to sneak a pic- I really REALLY did but the fear of what Sam might do overtook my sneaky ha ha side and I gave my boy a break. But imagine if you will the look on his face when told not only did he have to put on a piece of blue paper but then he had to walk down a hall to a x-ray room and back again. I am still thanking Jesus that there was no one else in the waiting room because I'm quite sure I would have needed a negotiator to talk him out of the dressing room! Embarrased smile

In the initial exam with his doc there was a visible curve when he'd bend down so I was delighted yesterday when I got a call saying his x-rays looked great and all was normal. Yeah!
I mentioned in my last post about Sam and Eric's silliness when it comes to bodies and body parts- well this statue has been at Mayo for as long as I remember. It is now indoors as buildings have been added but this guy sure holds interest for Sam when we're there! Won't Sam be excited today when I tell him we have to make a trip downtown to get his frames scanned for his new lenses... yet another view of the 'almost naked mayo guy' in his future. Flirt-male


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