Jack Jack Attack
Jack Jack Attack
Our sweet friend Marquia has called Jack “Jack Jack Attack” since about the day Kayla and Travis knew he was going to be a Jack. Well attacked I’m sure poor Jack has felt this week but God willing over the weekend Jack will start to wow those around him by his stunning charm (I think he gets that from me) and his strong little body turning this thing around.
I’m not one that believes in “jinxing” things so I will brag up the fact that he’s had a WHOLE OUNCE of Pedilyte in him now for 3 hours. I’m quite sure that is a record- the best part about that is even if it does end in a puke session the longer it’s in his tummy the more that can move through- even if it’s a tiny amount, it’s still more than nothing.
Jack has even more monitors on him today as they have started a new medicine and if it has no adverse side affects (irregular heart beats- you know just that) he’ll be on this medicine for 4-6 weeks to get that stubborn Pyloric Stenosis to heal. I guess this med has been used as an alternative to surgery but it takes a long time (weeks) to start to have an affect and change that muscle. It’s called Atropine for you smart medical people. There is a link HERE that tells more about it how the medication works with Pyloric Stenosis. I can’t imagine using this as an only treatment if you have a infant that is vomiting constantly- weeks before seeing improvement- ummm NO Thank you! Anyway if there is going to be tachycardia (fast irregular heart rhythms) it will happen within the first few doses therefore he gets to have extra bling hanging from him.
If you look down you will see Jack (barely) perfectly happy in his new found friend- heated blankets. Up to the left of the picture is his TPN feed and his fluids. Hiscrib changing table is in the middle and to the left is the monitor that shows his heart rate, pulse ox and respirations. Kayla is growing quite found of all these machines that assure her all systems are go.
On that same note did I tell you that our 2nd night here I checked Kayla’s breathing while she was sleeping? It really doesn’t matter how old they get… they are still your baby.
Back to Little Man- he has almost as many wires and leads and tubes now as the back of our TV- only I don’t want to cuddle our TV!
This morning his weight was 8lbs 3oz with a blanket and a diaper on. His birth weight was 7’15- he lost some after birth (normal) and went to 7’3, At 1 week he was back to his birth weight, 6 days later he was 9lbs and on Sunday when we got here (after a full day of vomiting) he was 9’3 so he’s down at least a pound. After Kayla told me that this morning I was even more grateful for the PICC line and to be able to get the TPN in.
Time to put the computer down and get a little snuggle time in.
BTW- he still hasn’t lost that ounce of Pedilyte so I’m thinking it’s time to try another 15ml.
I’m not one that believes in “jinxing” things so I will brag up the fact that he’s had a WHOLE OUNCE of Pedilyte in him now for 3 hours. I’m quite sure that is a record- the best part about that is even if it does end in a puke session the longer it’s in his tummy the more that can move through- even if it’s a tiny amount, it’s still more than nothing.
Jack has even more monitors on him today as they have started a new medicine and if it has no adverse side affects (irregular heart beats- you know just that) he’ll be on this medicine for 4-6 weeks to get that stubborn Pyloric Stenosis to heal. I guess this med has been used as an alternative to surgery but it takes a long time (weeks) to start to have an affect and change that muscle. It’s called Atropine for you smart medical people. There is a link HERE that tells more about it how the medication works with Pyloric Stenosis. I can’t imagine using this as an only treatment if you have a infant that is vomiting constantly- weeks before seeing improvement- ummm NO Thank you! Anyway if there is going to be tachycardia (fast irregular heart rhythms) it will happen within the first few doses therefore he gets to have extra bling hanging from him.
If you look down you will see Jack (barely) perfectly happy in his new found friend- heated blankets. Up to the left of the picture is his TPN feed and his fluids. His
On that same note did I tell you that our 2nd night here I checked Kayla’s breathing while she was sleeping? It really doesn’t matter how old they get… they are still your baby.
Back to Little Man- he has almost as many wires and leads and tubes now as the back of our TV- only I don’t want to cuddle our TV!
This morning his weight was 8lbs 3oz with a blanket and a diaper on. His birth weight was 7’15- he lost some after birth (normal) and went to 7’3, At 1 week he was back to his birth weight, 6 days later he was 9lbs and on Sunday when we got here (after a full day of vomiting) he was 9’3 so he’s down at least a pound. After Kayla told me that this morning I was even more grateful for the PICC line and to be able to get the TPN in.
Time to put the computer down and get a little snuggle time in.
BTW- he still hasn’t lost that ounce of Pedilyte so I’m thinking it’s time to try another 15ml.