Ready SET...

“someone please give me some energy so I can go”
I have been so tired this week for a couple of weeks . Some of it is kid induced tired. Sam has had some tummy troubles this week and that made for a late night Wednesday.
I have had a hard time getting back onto a regular schedule since being back from Christmas break that doesn’t help.
We are knee deep in basketball and hockey oh and bowling and well they are finally showing new episodes of Grey’s and I have a good book actually a couple on my kindle right now.
There is a checkbook to be balanced.
School papers to be sorted….. anyone else think some of these assignments should be completed on the computer so we keep a forest or two.
Menu- do I have to? Can’t I rotate pizza, mac and cheese and spaghetti and throw in a gourmet crock pot thing to make me look good here and there. Disappointed smile
I have a box of creative memories stuff to list on Craigslist (anyone interested?)… seriously I’ll email you the list of stuff and prices (when I get around to making the list and the prices but you would be helping me out if your interested b/c it would force my hand)
What about the shutterfly book I want to make- oh I really should start that this weekend. That can’t take to long can it?
My quiet times need to be a little longer and in more in depth and I thought about adding a bible study again after Christmas and we were done with prenatal classes. This is one area I don’t beat myself up in- as soon as I feel like there’s to much for Jesus then there’s to much. period
So I have something to report that I DID DO….. I finally went to a movie by myself. I had to talk myself there, almost caved and went to get Mexican food to read that kindle book but decided that I needed to try it. Guess I wasn’t really concerned about walking in alone- that doesn’t bother me it was more the idea of taking an afternoon and making it mine. But I did it.
and I loved it…Flirt male so much so I have my next movie picked out for a Friday afternoon. My plan is to have a monthly date with myself. I’m kind of fun and cheap.
oh and I blogged- I blogged thinking I’d finish my coffee before deciding which task was first or last. To sort laundry or not that is the question. plus I liked the idea I saw here and it’s not tuesday but like everything else I get around to it.
look at this cute guy I hung out with last night- we hung out at midnight and 3:30ish (wonder if that’s why I’m a little tired?) There’s a whole lot of cute there and indeed a good reason to be tired. have you smelled a newborn lately- even when he’s covered in A & D and spit up he’s heavenly Angel


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