Middle School



Middle school… middle school… middle school. I’m still not sure it has hit me completely. Surprised smile

You are such a sweet young man. I guess I invision you almost in a protected bubble and hope and pray daily that you are protected from the things of this world (in particular the middle school world). I think for the most part you are. The way you look at life with your sweet spirit, you say hello to the kids that often other kids don’t say hello to, You are bothered when kids on the bus swear and you ask me to pray with you for others that are hurting, including Sam who on most days I know you pray just to find patience for him!

You amaze me with how smart you are, the way you toss numbers around in your head and throw out answers that I need a calculator for  is just plain cool. I can’t even mention your spelling- it’s almost embarrassing how often I have to ask you to spell a word for me!

Your ability to understand your faith in a real way and take to heart God’s lessons for you. You have a honestly about you that is refreshing and a willingness to correct wrongs quickly that frankly I wish I had more of.

You are growing into a fine young man Eric and I am so excited to see what the 2nd half of your educational years has in store for you. I may not tell you this but even your ability to master just about any video game is really pretty impressive- trust me I remember how long it took me to save the princess in Mario world and you have saved the princess and all her cousins a few times now. I might be a little jealous Flirt male

I love you Eric and yes more… Angel


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