Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Do you remember that book? Oh how I loved that book- I loved Fudge and I’m quite certain that Sam may be Fudge in 4th grade form.
Sam’s first year that he remembers anyway, being separated from his brother. I don’t think either one of us was ready for that. In fact I don’t think it ever occurred to me that we would be spending the first weeks in September untangling emotional messes revolving around anything as small as binders and as big as friendships and not feeling liked. Sam has had a rocky rocky start to the school year. My little school supply junkie was green with envy when Eric was required to get a new binder for middle school. A locker with a combo and choices for lunch for Eric for sure put us closer to the line. Having to walk home from school alone and Eric interested in showering- well that did it.
Things I believe have come to a head now and trust me it can only go up hill from here. We scored some new frames for his glasses b/c of a warranty issue. He bowled over a hundred in his 2nd week of league and yesterday had a chance to just “let it all out”. I know the Sam that is underneath all the emotion and stress of the last few weeks is there and finding his new normal will just take some time. Sam is a bit like me when it comes to change. He hates is a bit resistant but when he finds his sweet spot the moons align and life moves on.
Sam buddy you are a lot like your mama. We will learn to embrace change together and at the very least we’ll have a some good laughs looking back at our temper tantrums we have together. I am thrilled for you to be you and Not in a race to “keep up” because you are the “baby”. Funny, sweet, quiet at the wrong times and not so quiet at the wrong times Sam.
I love you Sammy Boy- 4th grade- you got this buddy.