Miracles Never Cease

Journal entry by Jordan Heyer
Yesterday Brielle had another echo done on her heart, it was just to make sure neither of the defects had got any worse. What they didn't expect to find was that one of the defects is no longer present. The Double outlet, that she was going to live her whole life with seems to have repaired itself or by some miracle been fixed. The VSD, which is the one they expect to have to go in a repair is still present. We asked the doctors how this happened and they stated very simply that it is a miracle and there really isn't a medical explanation for it. Beca and I are still trying to grasp this concept, seems to good to be true. But that's what they said. I then asked about the VSD, if the double outlet is gone is there a chance the Vsd could go away as well? According to all there experience and knowledge the answer is no, but they said based upon the things Brielle has done and shown them there really isn't a right answer. It could go either way.

This little girl definitely has many angels watching over her and continues to shock everybody in her life on an almost daily basis. Let's pray she continues taking strides and fighting like the little fighter she is.


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