Journal entry by Missy Eagen —
Our little peanut is being treated for an infection called NEC. It's an acronym for for an infection that affects her intestinal tract. Basically what I read on Google scared the bajeepies out of me and really most of what I look up does the same. I am learning (slowly) to ask questions and trust that the wonderful NICU staff will help us understand and as Dr. Johnson said before we even met Brielle "they won't keep secrets", meaning on top of caring for these fragile tiny babies the staff is just as patient and loving with our family as I'm sure I sound like my 4 year old grandson Jack with my endless questions.
Back to NEC- in regular terms Brielle's digestive system is still developing, inside Mom it isn't asked to move food through and now outside Mom it is being asked to do work it may not be ready for making her preemie body at risk for this treatable but potentially scary infection. Her feeds have stopped to give her bowels a break, antibiotics have been started for the infection and she has a new tube that pulls air out of her stomach to keep it from having to travel through her intestinal tract. Basically NEC can come with a whole series of scary things like fever, descended hard abdomen, pain (indicated by heart and respiratory rates) and Brielle doesn't show any of those things. The nurse said this is very treatable when caught early and that appears to be the case with Brielle.
When I stopped up last night I turned the corner to the NICU and there was a transport unit there- it had just been used for a new admission but when I saw it my heart sank. It brought me right back to day 1- so many emotions especially those first few days. I prayed for the family that is on their day one, really gives me such a different perspective as I'm sure any major life event does. I prayed this family knows the peace that can only come God. No doubt Brielle has reminded me daily to keep my eyes on Jesus, knowing full well she is in His hands. The fear and anxiety could be crippling and I'm sure Beca and Jordan would agree we- Brielle- Bennett- Ann, Shawn, Rick, I -WE are all so thankful for your prayers, thoughts, words of encouragement and support. Words will never thank you enough.
(taken from CB)
Back to NEC- in regular terms Brielle's digestive system is still developing, inside Mom it isn't asked to move food through and now outside Mom it is being asked to do work it may not be ready for making her preemie body at risk for this treatable but potentially scary infection. Her feeds have stopped to give her bowels a break, antibiotics have been started for the infection and she has a new tube that pulls air out of her stomach to keep it from having to travel through her intestinal tract. Basically NEC can come with a whole series of scary things like fever, descended hard abdomen, pain (indicated by heart and respiratory rates) and Brielle doesn't show any of those things. The nurse said this is very treatable when caught early and that appears to be the case with Brielle.
When I stopped up last night I turned the corner to the NICU and there was a transport unit there- it had just been used for a new admission but when I saw it my heart sank. It brought me right back to day 1- so many emotions especially those first few days. I prayed for the family that is on their day one, really gives me such a different perspective as I'm sure any major life event does. I prayed this family knows the peace that can only come God. No doubt Brielle has reminded me daily to keep my eyes on Jesus, knowing full well she is in His hands. The fear and anxiety could be crippling and I'm sure Beca and Jordan would agree we- Brielle- Bennett- Ann, Shawn, Rick, I -WE are all so thankful for your prayers, thoughts, words of encouragement and support. Words will never thank you enough.
(taken from CB)