Covid Conversations

I have found myself very sad and frustrated over the division and constant spewing of accusations, mistrust and misinformation. 😞

I am choosing to trust in the medical field for information. I don’t have my head in the sand, I don’t need to wake up I am well aware and try to keep myself informed to the best of my ability without making this about sides. Will I always get it right- nope. 

I am in the middle of opening things back up, YES I believe it needs to happen but no not like it was and we as people need to do our part and be patient. Coming together as a community to build our small businesses and hurting families back up will be key. My family may choose to maintain distance but will continue to look for opportunities to do this. 

But what really breaks my heart and is breaking our already broken world is our current circumstances. 
More specifically the current circumstances that has brought out such a sense of entitlement and self righteousness that isn’t kind or compassionate. I had a long time friend block me and a co worker unfriend me and that’s just who I know about. We have our faith in common but apparently that comes with stipulations to be completely like minded. I have had to challenge myself on this very issue because at first I was like oh well but really I value community and fellowship and it’s being compromised. 
▶️ Jesus didn’t say love your neighbor and only the ones like you.  Quite certain that’s not what it says but hey go check. 

When what your passionate about hurts other people isn’t it time to ask yourself what the real motive is. Why is it so important to be right, most of what I’ve been wrong about in life has led me to circumstances that couldn’t feel more right. 

 Life is hard enough as it is some days, can we support one another in love and concern, can we find the common ground and start from there or is our baseline now what side you are on or what group or belief you hold? What about the name calling- when people are called names based on beliefs, color, sexuality, etc where does it stop? “The left” “Republicans” “Immigrants” are those are acceptable and if so where does it stop? Ask Ahmaud Arbery where it stops? Hate and division breed hate and division. 

This post actually started with a link attached to it to debunk this weeks latest. I started typing and realized I am doing exactly what is adding to the division. I am grateful for all the people in my life, each one of you have been put here for a reason. I may not agree with everything you agree with but I think we can all agree we as humans have value, we all have struggles and victories. I hope and pray I am doing my best today to let others see the joy that knowing you brings. There’s to much good, let that be what grows. ❤️


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