Everything in His Time
Everything in its time.
Timing is so key in so many areas of our life and especially as our society teaches us there are certain unspoken timelines and milestones to be met and that’s just the way ‘it’s supposed to be.’ This is so very human and so very normal to just wake up each day with the mindset that we somehow need to wrap our goals and focus around what we know to be normal.
But what if that normal is different and instead of waking up with my limited vision of my coming day, weeks or even what my next year might look like I woke up and just thank God for my day despite the circumstances and showed that thankfulness by living a life content and trusting in what is in front of me.
The current circumstances in our world has caused me to really look inward and I have felt such a conviction about what I display outwardly. I can be so impatient and judgemental and more often than not I definitely get it wrong. It’s my instinct to complain and question. It’s not natural for me to joyfully say all is well if it doesn’t appear to be.
We are experiencing as a whole and each individually an opportunity to open our eyes in the morning and set aside those preconceived expectations and sincerely ask what lesson is in all of this, it is definitely not the same for each of us and I wish I knew with clarity what it is for me each day but most days it’s as clear as mud. Watching people I love hurt emotionally or fall ill, wondering why God doesn’t step in and intervene, wondering if my doubts or uncertainty has somehow contributed to what I perceive to make no sense whatsoever. How have I somehow thought I know better and still daily I have to remind myself I am not in control.
Perhaps for the individual that is furloughed or small business owner it’s God saying to them trust me I will provide if you let me.
....or the overcommitted mom living from a planner it’s God saying what about my plans?
For those living in anger and frustration over the ‘loss of rights’ is it God asking where is your true citizenship?
Now more than ever as people hurt and things don’t make sense there’s that lingering question of how a good God could allow bad things to happen to all these good people. I wish I could say we were promised happily ever after‘s but we aren’t. What we are given is the truth that we will have trouble, but above all that trouble is a God who is sovereign and who cares and loves us enough that we can wake up with free will and the ability to make a choice.
What if today I choose to trust the timing of the circumstances around me are not out of his reach. What if I throw my all into that rather than filling myself with doubt and worry because life looks different today than I imagined it would be. What if today I am just thankful and trust his timing.