
Showing posts from April, 2006

What a Party!

  What a Party! We started out the day yesterday with a little car surprise. There's a GT-40 and to me that means race car. To car guys or gals it means much more. It's a nice car (it sort of looks a lot like one of Eric's hot wheels), we brought him out to the dealer to have his picture taken in and with the car. Rick and I were able to bring him alone so that was special mommy and daddy time. I'm sure the whole car thing added to the fun! Spiders, webs, cakes, and lots and lots of noise! Yep, it was a success. Eric had 6 friends to celebrate with yesterday and we had a blast! I wanted to post a few pictures but mostly I wanted to share how proud I (we) are of our boy. I talked to him ahead of time of his "duties" as the Host. We greet and help our guests feel welcome. Show them where they can place the presents or where the restroom is. During present time he showed excitement and gratitude for the cards as well as the presents and thanked every child by ...

50 Fabulous Facts About Eric on His Fifth!

  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC 1. Eric Allen was born at 3:01am at Methodist Hospital in Rochester, MN 2. He was due on April 24th and showed up 3 days later! Much to mama's dismay 3. Eric was 8lbs 3oz and 20 inches long 4. Everyone was so excited to finally meet him 5. We spent much money on film and now use much computer space on pictures 6. Eric has always been a very scheduled child. Even as a baby, he was a good sleeper and thrived on routine 7. He became a big brother at just 13 months old 8. He didn't hardly say a word until he was 2 1/2 everyone thought something was wrong but Rick and I knew he was fine 9. It was easy to tell he understood things, he was just waiting for something good to say……. 10. His first word was COOKIE!! 11. He has always loved oreos (so does Rick) 12. Eric loves the PlayStation 13. He has great hand/eye coordination and loves to keep trying at games. 14. He uses only blue sippy cups in the morning and has a glass of OJ ... EVERY morning! 15. Every sp...

This and That

  Easter was a great time to celebrate a such a precious gift given to us by our Savior. We all attended services on Saturday evening. I always enjoy holiday sermons but most of all I enjoy being able to set that time aside and to enjoy the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.On Easter my mom and brother came over. My brother brought his girlfriend and her daughter. We grilled out and enjoyed a great meal together. The rain passed and the sun ended up shining by late afternoon. I guess it was reflective of how I was feeling.  Now that being said I have to tell you that I wouldn't say many of my actions displayed this last week was reflective of feeling grateful. I wasn't a complete grump but I've spent a lot of time battling some anxiety and teenageism. Teenageism is my loving way of saying that some weeks I feel a little over extended in the limits being pushed. I'm glad I insisted on "bonding time" as this week seems better. I also have to say my loving...

Talk Of The Town

  The big buzz in Eric's preschool room is the big party coming up! We're on the countdown to the Spiderman Party. Last week we gave the mailman our invitations and that in itself was really exciting. That was top of the list for that days events. We do event reporting to Daddy when he gets home from work. His preschool teacher said the boys were talking about the big gathering. I think it's so fun. It's his first official friend party and my mom took the night off of work to help with crowd control. We'll be playing pin the spider on the web. My sister gave me the idea of cookie cutters to make the sandwiches with. I'm pretty sure I can get spider shaped cutters if not spider man. I'm also trying to think of a climbing game that wouldn't pose a risk of injury to anyone. Spider-man did climb walls so I'll have to brainstorm some more with Rick. Along that same line I'm still in huge denial about Eric turning five! I don't know if it's s...


  As I mentioned before Jordan is an outside guy. He has been loving the nice weather. He's always out and about shooting baskets, hanging out with the neighbors boys and for the most part keeping out of trouble. He's hoping to start a small lawn service in the neighborhood this summer. One of the neighbor boys is willing to partner up with him. I have a feeling this may be a little difficult as he has a lot of summer plans. In June he is attending missions week with the youth group from church. He comes home long enough to get his laundry done and then he's off to another camp that he attended last year. There's a horsemanship program there and he really enjoys learning new skills. In July we have our family vacation up north and then in late July he's attending another christian camp just north of Rochester. August brings summer camp with the youth group from church and between all of this he has summer school. It sounds a bit crazy but Jordan does well with activ...

Super Sam

  puw, puw, puwwww, puw.... look out Sam's on the loose and his 'shooters' are out in full force. Lasers that are huge and will get you! Aliens, monsters and alike, no one is safe from Sam, aka 'Dash'. Sam loves super heroes. He would watch just about anything that's chasing a bad guy if you let him and he's very good at picking out the bad guys. Last week we were watching the Beginners Bible video of the Story of Easter. Sam was very concerned about the bad guys. He looked at me with this serious look and said " that mean guy just put Jesus in that cave.... that wasn't bery nice, not at all !" After we talked about Jesus going up to heaven so that we could go to heaven some day he responded by saying that " those bad guys aren't going to put Jesus in that cave again ". Yes Sam,  Jesus always does beat the bad guys! ___________________________________________________________________ SICK Sam has had a little bit of a cold this ...

893 Days

  October 31st, 2003 until April 12th 2006. That's how long Kayla's braces lived in her mouth! It was great when I picked her up from the orthro today. All of a sudden there was really loud music. Celebration time come'on.... let's all celebrate and have a good time. Then there was cheering and yelling and out came my very embarrassed braceless daughter! Again we had a little photo shoot in the car. Enjoy her smiles

Sick Boy Part 2

  addition to Sick Boy ** you may want to read Sick Boy a few entries down first. This one will make more sense then. OK, I get the bad mom award for yesterday! I brought Eric in and the doctor said his ears were perfect. I thought oh I've heard this before. Let me guess his ears must hurt because of his nose or throat.  So he looked in his throat and decided to culture it. Said it didn't really look like strep but would rule it out. So we get home and Eric is still up and down but mainly feeling better (or so it seemed) so we decided to go grab a bite to eat. Kayla and Jordan were off doing there thing so we decided to grab a quick bite and run to look for spring jackets. Eric munched down 1/2 his grilled cheese and his chocolate milk and then got this look on his face. The minute he said his tummy hurt we made tracks. Oops maybe he's not as good as we think. My wise husband says maybe we should just go home. Inpatient mama says well lets just see how he feels. "Er...

Ode to Teenagers

  I was looking for a little practical advice about some issues I'm having with my teens. Now because I value the small chance we have at peace in our home I won't mention what it is that's really got me going but I found this and I loved it! So my dear Kayla and Jordan here it is: Rule #1 . Life is not fair Get used to it. The average teenager uses the phrase "it's not fair" 8.6 times a day. You got it from your parents. Who said it so often you decided they must be the most idealistic generation ever. Rule #2 . The real world won't care as much about your self-esteem as your-school does, it will expect you to accomplish something before you are rewarded. This may come as a shock. Usually, when inflated self-esteem meets reality, kids complain that it's not fair. (See Rule No. 1) Rule #3 . Sorry, you won't make $40,000 a year right out of high school. And you won't be a vice president or have a new car either. You may even have to wear un...

Sick Boy

  Well not a lot to report this week with Eric. Yesterday he walked up to me and said "make me warm" I got him all cuddled up in the blankie that Grandma E made for him and the next thing I knew he was fast asleep. When he starting groaning in his sleep I was pretty sure something wasn't right and sure enough. 101.3.   When he gets sick he just wants to sleep, his whole world shuts down. (hmmm I know someone else like that, right Rick? .... ) anyhow he was resting on the couch and when I got home he was all perky and his color was a little more normal and he said "I throw up in a bucket" He said this with great pride and was pretty excited about the whole event. I just looked at Rick and he nodded his head yes.                                             ...

Guess What!

  **No I don't need spell check- I tired to spell things as Sam says them ___________________________________________________________________ "Guess what? I nhink it's....guess what? I nhink it's raining, guess what mommy" "what sam?" Guess what mommy...ahhh... and it goes on. Life in Sam's eyes is a big surprise. Today was a perfect example at breakfast, I'm sure he said the phrase "guess what" about 10 times in less than 2 minutes. All to tell me he was pretty sure it was raining and it was wet outside. (I guess the clue was that the rain was hitting the window 2 feet in front of him! ) Another pretty famous Sam saying is "i thorry mama" "Samuel what are you doing!??" "I thorry mama, I thorry"' Takes everything mama has to not crack up laughing. I tell ya if he wasn't so darn cute he might be the one to push me over the edge! He's so full of it too. We went and rented a couple of movies on W...

Grandma and Grandpa Eagen

  The weekend gave us some time with Grandpa and Grandma Eagen. Although they were a little tired Eric and Sam were determined to make the most of the time they had with them. They were so excited Saturday night when Daddy arrived home with them. Sam kept saying "Guess what" "Hey Grandma guess what?" and every time she'd say "what" he'd have some new and exciting news for her. They each have 3 ring binders with not all but a lot of preschool projects. Eric went the entire book with Grandma explaining the different letters and numbers. He was so proud, as he should be   Here are some pictures we took right before they headed for home. Kayla and Jordan were no where around as per normal when it's picture time! At breakfast Grandpa mentioned he had a really bad dream that he lost a cribbage game. It would be a shame to not help his dreams come true! I beat him at 2 games. He gave up and went on to a easier target. Not sure how Rick did. I hear...

Big Sister

  Kayla took these pictures of her and the little guys. Not to bad for 'self portraits'. I love the one of them cuddling. What a great big sister.