Sick Boy
Well not a lot to report this week with Eric. Yesterday he walked up to me and said "make me warm" I got him all cuddled up in the blankie that Grandma E made for him and the next thing I knew he was fast asleep. When he starting groaning in his sleep I was pretty sure something wasn't right and sure enough. 101.3. When he gets sick he just wants to sleep, his whole world shuts down. (hmmm I know someone else like that, right Rick? .... ) anyhow he was resting on the couch and when I got home he was all perky and his color was a little more normal and he said "I throw up in a bucket" He said this with great pride and was pretty excited about the whole event. I just looked at Rick and he nodded his head yes.
Eric went on to inform me he was no longer sick. Wouldn't it be a perfect world if it were really that simple! He was up in the night and has hung close to his bucket all morning. He's managed to get up enough energy to play the playstation. Poor boy stuck home with the playstation and a hot wheels game!
He has mentioned more than a few times since Wednesday night that his ear hurts. Right before lunch he made a really high squeaky voice and said "my ear needs medicine" I said "what did you say?" Eric replied "it was my ear it says (he put on his squeaky voice) i need medicine, (back to normal voice to say) see I told you it was my ear".
Because I'm in no mood to fit an ER visit in this weekend we are going in this afternoon to get his ear checked. His temp goes up and down up and down. It's weird.
Other than that Eric is trucking along. Talking much about being a race car driver when he grows up. That makes mama's heart race but hopefully he'll find another passion that involves less speed between now and then. He sure does love cars though. There's a car lot that has a GT40 and I guess this is a nice race car. Whenever we're over by there he asks if we can drive by it. I'm afraid they're going to think we're casing the place! He just loves to look at it. You know that could be a great birthday idea. Rick if you read this make a note
Speaking of the birthday. The Spider-Man invitations are getting ready to go in the mail. We're having little friends over this year. His first "friend party" other than daycare friends. On the menu we will be serving Grilled Cheese sandwiches as that is his favorite. I wish I could think of a creative way to make something like web grilled cheese. Need to do some thinking for the menu and make it really cool. I'm not very clever with that so I'm open to suggestions.