As I mentioned before Jordan is an outside guy. He has been loving the nice weather. He's always out and about shooting baskets, hanging out with the neighbors boys and for the most part keeping out of trouble. He's hoping to start a small lawn service in the neighborhood this summer. One of the neighbor boys is willing to partner up with him. I have a feeling this may be a little difficult as he has a lot of summer plans. In June he is attending missions week with the youth group from church. He comes home long enough to get his laundry done and then he's off to another camp that he attended last year. There's a horsemanship program there and he really enjoys learning new skills. In July we have our family vacation up north and then in late July he's attending another christian camp just north of Rochester. August brings summer camp with the youth group from church and between all of this he has summer school. It sounds a bit crazy but Jordan does well with activity and not sure how the old saying goes but "idle hands brings trouble" is fitting.
Jordan's grades are better than they've been since starting middle school. It a nice change and something to feel good about. If you talk to him be sure to let him know I do notice!
Jordan also had a bit of a skateboard accident. Only it wasn't him it was his board. All I can say is that I can only preach so much before my kids learn lessons the hard way. Jordan left his skateboard laying out in a spot perfect for a driver not to see. It cracked under the weight of the neighbors car and that is now one item back on his birthday list!