
Showing posts from May, 2006

Ducks and Driving

  Meet Lucy. Lucy is staying with us for a couple of days this memorial day weekend. Kayla and her biology partner had joint custody of Lucy this weekend. Lucy spent Friday and Saturday with her Daddy (Dylan) and yesterday and today with her Mommy (Kayla). Lucy is just a few days old. Like most newborns she kept her mommy up a lot last night. Kayla said if she kept her face right next to "nest" and her hand in there Lucy would stop crying! He he... I have to admit there is some pleasure in that for me! I'm babysitting Lucy today. Her mommy has a job this weekend at the car dealership I used to work at. She is in the hot dog stand and I feel for her. It's 89 degrees right now and I'm sure even hotter in that stand. Once she comes home she'll be finishing up a scrapbook for Lucy and will turn the duck and the scrapbook into her teacher in the morning. Ducks are cute and all but this duck can go to another pond. Kayla asked the other night if she could pull the...

Sammy Boy and Eric

  Sam has been a bit of a handful this week. He's had a cold and hasn't been sleeping great the last couple of days. He's also had some changes these last few days and as I sit down to write this it all is coming together and making sense. Last Wednesday he finished up his first year of preschool. I don't think he quite understood that he isn't going back for a while and I'll bet after this first week with Mommy that he'll be begging to go back soon! One of the last projects he did in preschool gave me a great idea and I don't know why I haven't done this sooner. I now have a new picture in my kitchen and I could be wrong but I think it looks really good! Here see for yourself.Isn't that impressive? What I love most about it is that Sam will look at it and know what he did is up on our wall and not in a box. I've taken most of his projects this year and either scrapped them or taken pictures of them for the scrapbooks. The book I made for...

Graduation Day

  Eric is officially a kindergartner now. Last Thursday we had the ceremony at the preschool and today  I received the notice for kindergarten and he's in the AM class in the fall. The day before the graduation there was a picnic with his class and I walked in the room, looked around, started crying and turned around and walked out! Oh what a sorry mushy mom I am! I got it together and went and enjoyed a great morning with Eric. He loves me coming into his class and I'm hoping that I'll get more chances to do this once he's in kindergarten. I want to take full advantage of this while it's still fun having mom around! Anyway I prayed and prayed that during the ceremony the next day I wouldn't cry. Mainly because I wanted to enjoy it and not be all worried about being a blubbery mess. I did tear a little when his class was singing Jesus Loves Me, I always getting a little teary when thinking about how much Jesus loves us Before we got to the preschool Eric and ...

Grow Old With Me

Love....bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8 Melissa Ann and Richard Allen together with their parents invite you to share in the joy when they exchange marriage vows and begin their new life together on Saturday, the twentieth of May Two Thousand at five o'clock in the afternoon. A while ago Sam and Eric and I were looking at our wedding album. Since that day it's no longer our anniversary but it's the day "mommy was a princess". I can't remember which one of them said that but ever since then when they spot our wedding picture it's the day "daddy was mommy's prince" and "mommy was the princess". That day started out so normal. I was so calm and excited. The day was clear and so sunny and bright. The temp was around 70 and there was only a slight breeze, not too windy but enough of a breeze that the sun didn't get to hot. I left with my mom to get ...

Sam the Worm

Sam found a new pet today. He loved him so much he even named him Sam. We caught some of his bonding moments on the camera. It is about a minute and a half. Very cute. (at least I think so)

Good Day

  Other than American Idol the day was pretty good. Our Wednesday bible study met for the last time today. We finished a study on Philippians and had a nice small group. We enjoyed some breakfast and fellowship this morning along with great conversation. After that the kids and I went and had a picnic. It was a bit windy but all in all it was nice. The kids love picnics and they are all at a age that I don't have to worry about them mixing dirt into their sandwiches! My last two daycare girls are 4 and turning 5. After they ate (well what little they actually ate) they played and played and played. I'm sure they ran for an hour straight and didn't fight about anything. It was fun. We got home and about the minute I got them settled down for a little rest period the phone rang. It was the preschool and they offered me the job I interviewed for! Yeah! I start training in August and I'm so excited. Its a lot of what I do now only my home won't be the stomping gr...

Red Gloves and Scuba Gear

  Sammy boy is trying to make a fashion statement this week. It's darn near nice enough here for shorts and t-shirts. Barely but we're getting there. Sam has had clothes on for both climates  this weekend and I guess he's a bit confused with good'ole Minnesota weather. Saturday evening when we went to church he wore a pair of shorts, nice short sleeved baby blue shirt and his bright red gloves! He looked so funny and everyone that walked past him commented on this gloves. I can assure you it had nothing to do with being cold! Rick captured a shot of Sam in his scuba gear riding his bike!   I love his sense of adventure and when he dresses himself up to play the part it just adds to the fun. At the park he turned into Buzz Lightyear and started pushing the "button" on his arm. It's a freckle but it still shoots a nice laser at Zurk and if you take him down you've had a good day! In all honesty, the "shooting" thing, the phase that I thought...

God Is That You?

  As a mom do you ever wonder when that day will come that you'll be able to use a restroom again without being walked in on?   Or some little voice saying "Mommy what cha doin?" Hmmmm well haven't we figured that one out yet.... This morning I woke up a little after 5am. I was about to go jump in the shower and out came Kayla. I never know when she'll be up for her shower, her shower schedule is determined by many factors sleep being the first one. Anyway I figured I'd wait because Monday is Marilyn day. Marilyn is my mentor and we pray together at 6am every Monday. So the next time slot for the shower was after Rick. And it would have to be fast as I have an early daycare child on Monday.  With a get it done attitude I was finally in the hot water and all full of soap and I hear (loudly) MMMMMIIIIIIISSSSSSYYYYYYYY, MMMMMIIIIISSSSYYYYY. I fly open the shower door only to see NO ONE there. MMMMMMIIIIIISSSSSSYYYYY. It's coming from in the shower... hmmm t...

English or Spanish

  Today was the big day. Kindergarten screening. I forgot the camera but something tells me not many moms bring them. We started out with the hearing test. The directions were to wave to the nurse every time time Eric heard a noise. Well Eric thought a "thumbs up" sign was way more fun so that's what she got. He heard all the noises. Next came the vision and Eric had to identify one of four letters. He was able to read the whole chart and frankly looked bored with the whole thing. Only four letters? I took over Sam duty and Rick stepped in to see the fun stuff. I did manage to get Sam entertained so I could peek in on the action. The nurse just randomly tossed some blocks on the table so that they didn't land in a line and asked Eric to count them. He responded by asking... "In English or Spanish?" Seems like a reasonable question as he can do both! He counted in Spanish all three times. Next he was asked to draw a few shapes. Rick said he was confused on...

Poor Grandpa!

  I just don't think it's possible to do this story justice but I'm sure going to try. Last night I was heading over to my Dad's house. We had to make a vehicle swap and Kayla and Sam rode with me. It's about 80 miles one way. We had a few technical difficulties on the way there so we didn't arrive there until after 8, almost Sam and Kayla's bedtime. Needless to say we were all a bit tired but handling it well. Dad and I handled all the car stuff and Kayla and Sam hung out with Grandma Kathy. We had a short time to visit but really needed to head home as it was after 9pm and we still had a 80 mile trip home. I whispered in Sam's ear. "Sam go tell Grandpa thank you for the new car and give him a hug and kiss" (*side note my dad is a car salesman so he helped us purchase a different vehicle again!) Sam went over to Grandpa. Grandpa brought himself down to Sam's level and Sam in a very sweet Sam way said "thanks grandpa for the new truc...