Ducks and Driving
Meet Lucy. Lucy is staying with us for a couple of days this memorial day weekend. Kayla and her biology partner had joint custody of Lucy this weekend. Lucy spent Friday and Saturday with her Daddy (Dylan) and yesterday and today with her Mommy (Kayla). Lucy is just a few days old. Like most newborns she kept her mommy up a lot last night. Kayla said if she kept her face right next to "nest" and her hand in there Lucy would stop crying! He he... I have to admit there is some pleasure in that for me! I'm babysitting Lucy today. Her mommy has a job this weekend at the car dealership I used to work at. She is in the hot dog stand and I feel for her. It's 89 degrees right now and I'm sure even hotter in that stand. Once she comes home she'll be finishing up a scrapbook for Lucy and will turn the duck and the scrapbook into her teacher in the morning. Ducks are cute and all but this duck can go to another pond. Kayla asked the other night if she could pull the...