Sammy Boy and Eric


Sam has been a bit of a handful this week. He's had a cold and hasn't been sleeping great the last couple of days. He's also had some changes these last few days and as I sit down to write this it all is coming together and making sense. Last Wednesday he finished up his first year of preschool. I don't think he quite understood that he isn't going back for a while and I'll bet after this first week with Mommy that he'll be begging to go back soon! Winking smile


One of the last projects he did in preschool gave me a great idea and I don't know why I haven't done this sooner. I now have a new picture in my kitchen and I could be wrong but I think it looks really good! Here see for yourself.Isn't that impressive?


What I love most about it is that Sam will look at it and know what he did is up on our wall and not in a box. I've taken most of his projects this year and either scrapped them or taken pictures of them for the scrapbooks. The book I made for preschool is simply a 3 ring binder with page protectors filled with all his memories. I decorated the front but other than that no craftiness needed!

The other thing on Sam's mind these days is his birthday. We are now on the countdown and he's going to bust if it doesn't happen soon. The 7 weeks between his birthday and Eric's must feel like an eternity to him! He's doing a pretty good job being patient.

As patient goes for Sam anyway.

He has changed his mind a couple different times about the deco so I'm going to do as follows; head to Party America and pick up 1 Incredibles item. 1 Buzz Lightyear item. 1 Home on the Range item and 1 Fire truck item. He has also requested Power Rangers but I told him they don't exist and if anyone tells him different I will be having a little chat with them!! Oh those things are just plain evil. He has a shirt and one little action figure thing and that's where his collection stops.

We've been out on a few hunts this week. Bugs~GROSS, (at least I don't have to deal with snakes Sick smile ) Rick and Sam were also out in the woods Kangaroo hunting, where that idea came from is beyond me but Sam seems to think there's one lingering close and he's going to get him!


On the bug topic, yesterday he was trying to convince Rick and I he needed to operate the hose. Why? Well the worms needed a drink of course! I tell ya......Be right back

Sharing has been a huge issue this week. Not sure why this is something we have to keep revisiting. He's always been around other children and I've always allowed him to have his special things in his room that no one plays in. All of a sudden this week, everything has become special. He'll be minding his own beeswax and all of a sudden he'll spot either Eric or a friend with a toy he's had nothing to do with that day and start screaming. It's so frustrating because he won't calm down and he ends up in time-out because of it. He does manage to calm down and talk about it and by that time he's on to another battle. It truly is tiring some days. I just took a break from writing and in the mist of the break Sam spotted a pile of toys that is going in our garage sale.

He walked by them and said "mama what are you doin' with that stuff".

I said "oh nothing" (not in the mood for the fight)

He said "are you gonna sale them?" (We just had a sale for Teen MOPS last weekend)

I said "yeah kind of" (not wanting to fully admit but not wanting to lie either)

Sam responded by saying "cuz I'm not sharin good you gonna sale them?"

AH HA! He does hear me sometimes!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rick and the boys have been taking a lot of trips down to the river via bike. Eric is riding his really well and Sam still rides in the bike trailer. There is a bridge down there that holds train tracks and after many, many countless trips down there the boys finally got to see a train go by. Rick brought the camera down the other night and caught some of it on tape. Sam was so excited. On the video he says "I can't wait to tell mom". Oh I wish I could have been there. 



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