God Is That You?
As a mom do you ever wonder when that day will come that you'll be able to use a restroom again without being walked in on? Or some little voice saying "Mommy what cha doin?" Hmmmm well haven't we figured that one out yet....
This morning I woke up a little after 5am. I was about to go jump in the shower and out came Kayla. I never know when she'll be up for her shower, her shower schedule is determined by many factors sleep being the first one. Anyway I figured I'd wait because Monday is Marilyn day. Marilyn is my mentor and we pray together at 6am every Monday. So the next time slot for the shower was after Rick. And it would have to be fast as I have an early daycare child on Monday. With a get it done attitude I was finally in the hot water and all full of soap and I hear
I fly open the shower door only to see NO ONE there.
It's coming from in the shower... hmmm this is a new one.
God is that you? (it's a reasonable thought)
No not God yet- but it was worth a try.
So I yell "WHAT". What's the worse that's going to happen? If I'm hearing things everyone is gone and if not someone will answer back!
Rick answered back, "I'm locked out" He was yelling at me through the outside vent that connects to the shower fan. He forgot his keys in the house and they door was locked. So dipping wet and full of soap I go to rescue my husband.
I go to jump back in the shower and I hear "MOMMY, MOMMY Where's my JUICE?! "
Arggghhhhh.... I'm cold now and still need to rinse off.
Get the juice. Get in the shower, finish up, get out and there is Sam staring at me.
"I gotta go potty". Of course you do.
Sam washes up and is about to leave and in comes Eric and and oh let's not forget Macy (the dog)
Oh no it would be a darn shame if we didn't squish everyone that was in the house into the small space that doesn't hardly exist anyway in the bathroom.
OK everyone happy, Eric and Sam have empty bladders, juice is filled back up with and the dog is going to watch Max and Ruby with them. And believe it or not I think I might have been cleaner than when I started.
Oh and I think at that point I decided that a lock on the bathroom door is something I will be talking to Rick about soon!