Red Gloves and Scuba Gear


Sammy boy is trying to make a fashion statement this week.

It's darn near nice enough here for shorts and t-shirts. Barely but we're getting there. Sam has had clothes on for both climates  this weekend and I guess he's a bit confused with good'ole Minnesota weather. Saturday evening when we went to church he wore a pair of shorts, nice short sleeved baby blue shirt and his bright red gloves! He looked so funny and everyone that walked past him commented on this gloves. I can assure you it had nothing to do with being cold! Rolling on the floor laughing

Rick captured a shot of Sam in his scuba gear riding his bike! Open-mouthed smile  I love his sense of adventure and when he dresses himself up to play the part it just adds to the fun. At the park he turned into Buzz Lightyear and started pushing the "button" on his arm. It's a freckle but it still shoots a nice laser at Zurk and if you take him down you've had a good day!

red scuba

In all honesty, the "shooting" thing, the phase that I thought would pass quickly has not. Sam still thinks everything is a battle. In fact I'm so used to hearing the sound effects from his lasers and such in the car I've almost grown immune to them. When the nerves are feeling a little over stimulated the sound effects get loud. Yesterday we were driving and the noises were becoming louder and louder and I finally said in more of a sighing voice. "Sammmmmm honey".

Before I went any further he stopped me and said "but mommy I just don't wanna settle down".

Gotta love the honesty. I just laughed to myself and thought how'd he know what I was going to say! Be right back

So not only does he fight mighty battles with the forces of whatever is in his way he also loves to have a good tiff with his big brother. Sam is the one who picks the fight most of the time, he's most likely the one that will end up crying at the end. Not so much from big brother winning the fight but from mommy promptly reminding him where the time out corner is. Here's how it goes....

"Sam please be kind to you brother"

"Sam, mommy is counting to 3 and if you don't make a better choice your heading to the corner"

"One, twooooo, three"

As to which Sam replies "Thorry mama, I just thorry, I won't do it again"

"Too late Sam to the corner"

(Sam) NOOOOOOOOOOO (crying) I thaid I thorry NOOOOOOOOO I don't wanna go to time out!!!!!

In response to his brother Eric has learned a few tricks. And can I just add this is almost exactly how Kayla responds to Jordan picking on her. And for the record I know that neither Kayla or Eric are innocent bystanders they just happen to play victim better Sarcastic smile

Trick #1. If Sam is not responding to Eric's nudging in changing some behavior Eric will proceed to ask louder so I can hear that he is "using his words"

Trick #2. If Eric has picked on Sam and Sam is ready to retaliate Eric runs top speed and grabs my legs and tries to use me as the shield. If Sam actually stopped I might not get so nervous but I seem to have been caught in some cross-fire lately that is really not fun!

Trick #3. If Eric has a piece of property to be protected he'll either A) ask me to hold it or B) place it on my desk and remind Sam they are not allowed to take things off my desk!!

At the end of the day all is well

red scuba1


Tuesday Eric has his five year well child check. He is now 39.5lbs which is the 37th percentile and 42.7 inches which is the 45th percentile. He can hop on one foot but because he had trouble at his kindergarten screening he informed his pediatrician that he his other foot isn't working! I decided to be upfront about the shot situation. I knew he'd get one and didn't want this to be a shock to him. When his Doctor was done Eric looked at me and said, "see mom He didn't give me any pokes". The Doctor looked back at him and said "no buddy I won't but the nurse will be back and she has two shots for you". Needless to say the nurse wasn't welcomed back with open arms. He was so brave and got his two "pokes". He did point out to me that I said just one. This morning at preschool he told his teacher he had 2 holes in his legs but still had band-aids until they are better! Too funny.

I measured Sam while we were there and he's 40 1/2 inches. I don't know where that puts him on the charts but I was amazed he's only 2 inches and 2lbs behind Eric. I guess that makes sense. They are only a bit over 13 months apart.


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