Ducks and Driving



Meet Lucy. Lucy is staying with us for a couple of days this memorial day weekend. Kayla and her biology partner had joint custody of Lucy this weekend. Lucy spent Friday and Saturday with her Daddy (Dylan) and yesterday and today with her Mommy (Kayla). Lucy is just a few days old. Like most newborns she kept her mommy up a lot last night. Kayla said if she kept her face right next to "nest" and her hand in there Lucy would stop crying! He he... I have to admit there is some pleasure in that for me! I'm babysitting Lucy today. Her mommy has a job this weekend at the car dealership I used to work at. She is in the hot dog stand and I feel for her. It's 89 degrees right now and I'm sure even hotter in that stand. Once she comes home she'll be finishing up a scrapbook for Lucy and will turn the duck and the scrapbook into her teacher in the morning. Ducks are cute and all but this duck can go to another pond.

Kayla asked the other night if she could pull the car into the driveway. I told her what I plan on saying a lot this next year (as she learns to drive) "Go ask your Dad". Rick said yes and Kayla with a great look of determination grabbed the keys, squealed a little and headed for the car. Rick was with her of course and I was at a safe distance with the video camera! I can not believe she'll be able to drive in a year. She'll be able to drive with Rick in a couple of months. Legally she could drive with me too but I think I'm out of the medication I used for flying! Disappointed smile  In fact I think I'd rather fly!


This picture is how I normally see my daughter now. She is always on the go, so much so I find myself feeling a whole mix of emotions. Proud that she pursues her interests, proud that she babysits and works hard to earn stuff, sometimes irritated that she leaves a tornado path behind her on her way out. Sometimes envious that I have to schedule time with my own child. Lately a little scared as she ventures into new seasons, like her missions trip, the driving thing, I'm sure the dating thing is bound to happen sometime . I have to say that I haven't been sad watching her grow. Not enough time to be sad with all the other emotions going on. Kayla you are a gift, and sometimes a source of entertainment, sometimes a source of stress but above all you are God's daughter and soon you'll rely on Him more than you do your earthly parents. Kayla will finish her freshman year in just a week. Three years left of high school. Do you have any idea how fast three years can go? I heard this saying a while ago and it is so true for these years. The days are long but the years are short. I think that's how it went. It does seem that way.


Kayla is attending the missions trip with her High School Youth Group. If you were one of the lucky ones that received a letter asking for your support please consider that and return that to our Church this week. The link for the church is HERE. If you didn't receive that letter the other way to support Kayla and her group is by praying for them. They are traveling to Minneapolis with a program called Urban Immersion Ministries.  They will be gone from June 11th thru the 17th. Pray for safe travel and weather. See below for others ways to pray.

(taken from the Urban Ministries website) **They will have opportunities to share  faith in Christ with children, youth, and adults in the city. They will work alongside seasoned inner-city Christian workers at various host-ministry sites doing a variety of activities including work projects, and community outreach. Some words to describe the week of Urban Immersion are "packed," "fast-paced," "challenging," "faith-stretching," ... and, guaranteed to be one you won't soon forget!



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