
Showing posts from May, 2016


Journal entry by  Missy Eagen  —  5/24/2016 Brielle is officially sporting a pacemaker. She did great in surgery and is settled into the CardiacICU. Hopefully her stay there will be brief and the recovery from this surgery uneventful.  Thanks for the prayers! (taken from cb)

16 Weeks

Journal entry by  Missy Eagen  —  5/14/2016 The NICU days continue on for Brielle- she is 16 weeks 3 days now, she weighs 6lbs 7oz. Brielle continues to use a CPAP which is different than the last update when she was still intubated. Today they unfortunately had to place another line in as her heart is not pacing itself well. The line would allow for a heart medication to be given if needed. There is talk again of a pacemaker which would correct her heart rhythm but require intubation again with another surgery. The surgery is far less invasive than the first heart surgery but at the end of the day it's another surgery. I'm sure the weekend will give cardiology time to make a decision unless of course Brielle in true Brielle fashion makes the decision for them. So we wait and cheer on the toughest little fighter we know! (taken from cb) heart