101 List #2 Expanded

My children. Wow I never would have guessed growing up that I'd have four children. I always knew I wanted a child. That was as far as that thought ever went. I was never one that daydreamed about having a large family or being a stay at home mom. I grew up with my mom and was the only child in our home for a little over 9 years. I guess it never occurred to me that other families had brothers and sisters and moms and dads that were around. When I finally did have a brother in our house I liked him for about 3 days and then realized that I made a huge mistake wanting a sibling because He was requiring way more attention and worse yet He was getting  it!

I became pregnant with Kayla when I was 18. I was single and young yet so excited. My mom had me young and so many others in my family started parenting at a young age so I really wasn't too scared. I look back and think if I knew then what I know now ..... well I would have been scared to death. Kayla is now 3 years away from the age I was when I had her. That's a sobering thought. I guess I don't think about that too much. My life 18 years ago is much, much different that hers is now. I guess in a way Kayla and I have grown up together. She has taught me much just by simply making me a mom.

Jordan followed Kayla almost 2 years to the day. Both are June babies. I was still single when I found out Jordan was on his way. There were many different things going through my mind at that time. This time I was scared. I knew then that having a baby was hard work. I was still living in California and decided to move home to Minnesota. My mom was in Minnesota and was willing to help me so I could go to school. I came home when I was 16 weeks pregnant with Jordan. He was such a good baby but sick ALOT. He was in the hospital 4 times his first year for respiratory issues. Every time he got a cold he'd get VERY sick, ear infections, wheezing,~it was awful. I don't know what I would have done without my Mom at that time. She took care of Kayla and I would sleep at the hospital with Jordan. It was a very scary time, thankfully he is one of the healthiest kids I know now. He rarely gets sick now and up until last year didn't miss a day of school due to illness!

After Kayla and Jordan, my life settled down and I was adjusted to being a single parent and completely content with our life. I was working full time at a car dealership. Different office duties and I remember saying to my co-worker when asked about more children that I'd have to meet Prince Charming to have another child. I knew that I didn't want to have another child and put that child in daycare full time. I always carried some guilt about that with Kayla and Jordan.

Well Prince Charming didn't come along but Rick did! We started dating and were married 18 months later. We talked about having one child together and I couldn't wait to share this experience with him, pregnancy was new to Rick and sharing it with my love was new to me. We were thrilled to be expecting Eric. We had decided that having just one more was wise as our hands were full so Rick was even more thrilled that it was a boy. He really wanted a boy to name after his grandfather. Eric arrived in late April of 2001.

Isn't funny when we forget to fill God in on our plans!

We scheduled the consultation for Rick to make sure Eric was our last and although I was so sad we wouldn't have any more children I knew that it was probably for the best. Things all seemed to have fallen in place, 3 bedrooms, 3 kids, a part time job for me.

Then I felt kind of sick one day. Hmmm I remember this sick but no it would be nearly impossible. Couldn't it? I was still nursing, we were careful, no I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.

In November on 2001 I sat in a waiting room 10 weeks pregnant while they brought Rick back for "his surgery". I knew without a doubt I was supposed to be pregnant because I felt like a part of me was dying with him back there. I know that sounds silly but ending that chapter in our life was a sad day for me and I was so in love with that baby in my tummy that I knew that everything would work out.

Sam arrived in June of 2002, Eric was a little over 13 months old. We celebrated Jordan's 9th birthday on Saturday and on Sunday (Father's Day) Samuel Richard arrived. Eight days later we celebrated Kayla's 11th birthday.

There hasn't been a dull moment since.


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