101 List Expanded

1. My husband will hate this list.

I said this when I started my 101 list for one simple reason. I thought for sure Rick would roll his eyes at my list. Turns out I think he had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. In fact I think in the original post he even found some time to make some comments to tease me. I know that's his endearing way of letting me know how much he loves me! So it turned out that he didn't hate this list and I really should think up something new for #1.

My friend Jana started this 101 list back last spring. along with some other friends we had a great time making the lists and had some good laughs with one another. Jana my dear once again got me interested in going a little further with this. Taking each number I will write a longer explanation about everything I wrote. Hope you have fun reading and getting to know me a little better. Original list HERE


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