101 List Expanded- Days 5, 6 & 7

5. I was born in Rochester, MN at St. Mary's Hospital Feb 1st, 1972 at 11:55pm. Not much to say about that. It is rare with how mobile we are in today's day and age to still live in the same place you were born. One other important fact about my birthday is that I always hated having a winter birthday. I just wanted to have a outside swim/park party but somehow a few feet of snow always managed to get in the way!

6. I moved 19 times before my 18th birthday. With the exception of two, of those moves they were all within Rochester city limits. One move outside Rochester was in 2nd grade, my mom accepted a job in the Minneapolis area and we lived there for 9 months. My mom being directionally challenged never did find her way around, hated it and we moved back.

7. My family was  is.... well shall we say..... dysfunctionalI decided to include this in this post because I really could go on and on about #7, no need I'll make this short. I've already touched on the single parenting, the other common factor in our live was addiction. Alcohol reared it's ugly head way more than I'm sure anyone would have welcomed. It destroyed much of the family relations and caused much resentment. There was much physical, verbal and unfortunately even sexual abuse among members in our family and extended family. I have a Aunt that has suffered long term mental illness and a uncle that was found in a coma in North Carolina, he was homeless and died from an overdose, on what will forever be unknown. He passed away in the fall of 1999. It seems tragic and crazy, all the moves and stories but there is a way from there to here. If you don't know that way ask God to help you sort it out. Trust Him to heal the hurts of the yesterdays.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

**There is many in my family that have worked hard. Today my family is no more dysfunctional then most of the neighbors on the block! I love them all dearly. My mom lives 8 blocks away and I'm so grateful, it sure would suck to have her getting lost every time she came to visit!


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