101 List Expanded #3

We Have One Dog That Would Have to Leave if She Became High Maintenance or Annoying!

Poor Macy!

It's such a conditional love and she really has the bad end of it! When Rick and I first met he had a dog and I had two cats. One of my cats became ill and we put him down, the other was a Persian and was her care was very high maintenance. It just became clear (or maybe I finally got honest with myself) that neither of us liked cats and the dog was getting to the end of her journey. So in 2002 we became petless. The cat went to live with a neighbor and the dog passed away. It was a wonderful few years of nothing furry walking around our home. Jordan attempted a hermit crab and Kayla has had a beta fish for quite awhile but other than that I've been firm and mean and said NO NO NO to other pets. Believe me if Kayla and Jordan had their way we'd have a zoo here. I know because I used to be the same way. I've had guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, birds (big and small), dogs, cats, and fish.

Every single one of them either perished or moved to a safer home!

In March of 2005 a family in our church had these cute little black puppies. Rick said he'd want another dog someday. Small, non-shedding dog. I agreed but only when Eric and Sam were pottied trained. Sam had been trained for about 6 months and Kayla and Jordan reminded me of my promise. By the time I made up my mind and called the family with the puppies it was too late. They all had homes. Two days later the phone rang and the couple with the new baby felt they had made a mistake taking one of the puppies. So it turns out one was available. Kayla had the name Macy picked out so that was that. She's been here ever since. Macy has one thing going for her and that is Rick and Jordan love her! (I do to....shhhhh!!! ) I really do say if she gets weird or high maintenance she may have to join the land of the former furry friends that once called me their mom!


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