

It's over! I lived through the first day of Kindergarten! I will just confess that as soon as I made it back to my car (to go to the school) I balled my eyes out. But besides that I think it went well! LOL

Eric is catching the bus from our church (which is where I work). I don't work Thursdays but wanted to get him used to this routine. So we arrived at our waiting spot, which I might add is in the Narthex and it's enclosed. The bus pulls right up to the door. (thank you Jesus) So we waited, I took a few pictures, I introduced Eric to the other teachers kids that are riding from there and up pulled the bus. He was getting ready to walk out and he turned around and gave me the best hug and biggest smile. Oh it melted my heart and I'm still getting all teary writing about it. He got on the bus and off they went.

At the school I didn't see him get off the bus. I hit to many red lights (darn it) anyway it was good because when I did find him he was off the bus and heading in the right direction. They had teachers directing traffic and there was a tag on his backpack that had his grade and teacher name on it. Kindergarten has it's own doors and he didn't look nervous or scared, he just looked like he was on a mission to get to his teacher. I couldn't resist talking to him again. Don't think he needed the reassurance but mommy sure did! When he saw me his face lit up and he looked so proud. "Eric did you like the bus?" ... "yep" He got right in line and gave me some reassuring grins before they headed in. Yes I went and cried again!

When I picked him up this is how it went.

"Did you have fun?".... "yep"
"What did you do?"....."nafin"
"What did you talk about?" ......"I didn't talk about nafin"
"What did Miss. Julie talk about?"...... "nafin"
"Is there anything in your backpack?"......"no nafin"
Later after lunch....
"Where did you sit on the bus?"...... "mommmm quit saying that"
"Does that mean you want mommy to stop asking questions about school?".... "yep"

Here is one picture I wanted to put on. Notice the fear in the faces behind Eric. Those poor kids! :(

Oh I better put one more picture on..


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